Sweating, bruh

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Ted B, May 19, 2018.

  1. Hey, forums, whats up? So, I just love to take incredible massive rips. I seem to always inhale, I dont cough, but I feel the heat (its amazing in the winter because you can still get warm if you just rip a bong hard enough.. "The nazis take bong rips to stay warm throughout the winter"
    Also, I like the coughing, do people cough on dabs? I dont see how, I took a dab (3 times) and havent coughed. Felt "smoother" (<------ lolololol how is weed smooth wtf?)

    Oh so, yeah I always inhale, since I don't have a bowl (for the bowl, it broke, I dropped it outside at night... I dont really remember why i was outside in the first place tbh.) so what I do is....

    I put a nug of weed in the stem and then put grinder bud, now this can be like lighting up 2 bowls at once I just love to take massive rips until I sweat. Sorry I am going 2 days without bud, do you see how much more energetic I am? I never seem to get used to my energy tho. I never did. I like to convert my energy, do you see? also, dont tell me to get a grip, I kinda feel like someone would comment that if I wouldnt have included it. "How can you do anything harder than marjiuana since it is a schedule 1 drug?" - me to my mom n a select few friends. HAHAHAHAHAHA
  2. Your post has got me like

    All I got from it is that you like taking bong rips...
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  3. you always inhale huh? good job, you know how to smoke marijuana. would you like a chocolate chip cookie or a peanut butter cookie as your award?
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  4. Inhaling marijuana's is for pussies. Injecting whole marijuanas, now that's how real stoners roll.... hellll yeeeaaahhhh....
  5. Man look I’m far too gone to comprehend what you’re even goin on about but I do love bongs
  6. So what I hear you saying OP, is that you love taking huge rips off a bong? Is that what you're saying? Cuz then, yeah man I agree. I like bongs too. I have a really nice larger party size bong, but my latest purchase was a mini bong. I love it! It hits likes like a mofo, and it super cute and discreet.

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