SWAT Raid...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by AtxTokege420, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. So i havn't posted in forever,

    I finally moved out of my parents house in jan or 2012, it was a cool place my bestfriend (we'll call him Roger) and my other roommate (We'll call him John) were living with me in a 3 bedroom townhome. everything was good for months until my incompetent roommate John really started slacking on cleaning up and doing his fairshare around the house. Eventually after another month of dealing with his crap Roger and I got tired of it and we all decided it would be best if he moved out. So he moved out and we had this new kid we knew from highschool ( we'll call him Eric) move in.

    We had been smoking and chilling with Eric for around a month before John moved out and when Eric started talking about getting out of his parents house, we naturally told him he should move in with us, since we needed a new roommate. Eric was cool at first, had some sick glass, (liquid, sovereignty, mobius) and all it took was a week for shit to change. He had lots of people coming over to smoke and chill at all hours of the day.

    I go hog hunting on the weekends, and i return home from a hunt and my roommates informed me that on a saturday, we had a cop that was sitting down the block watching our place. Roger and I are very smart so we started watching our asses. Soon we realized we would make eye contact with other cars and we always had this feeling we were getting followed.

    Week 2 and 2 days after Eric moved in,

    The same old shit was going down even though we were warning Eric that we could feel the heat and he needs to stop having people over. I was insanely tired after working out this day (wednesday) and i took a 2 hour nap, somehow when i woke up, i felt like working out again (i'm a gym addict) and i grabbed my preworkout and hit the road. As i was pulling out, i noticed a blacked out Chrysler 300 sitting 2 houses down from ours, i've never seen it before and i instantly got alarmed, however i kept going to the gym, put on some music and didn't think anything of it.

    I get to a light and theres a police crown vic siting at the fourway to my right, it drove past. Then i took a left and noticed the cop was sitting 300 yards up the road, basically waiting for me. i passed and ofcourse he pulled out. They continued to follow me til i got to the gym where i was lit up. They stepped out of the car guns drawn ( a normal cop and a plain clothes detective in a mini van) and called me by my name and told me to step out. Instantly i knew our fears were correct. I got searched and they told me " we have a search warrant for your house" my heart sank and there was nothing i could do to help my roommate Roger back at the house.

    I got detained for 10 minutes while they executed the raid and the cops let me go to workout.....

    Meanwhile Roger had been drinking some beer and vonging with his SSV and Illidelph. He later told me he heard 3 super hard knocks at the door, 'POLICE SEARCH WARRANT" and before he could blink the door was down and there were 20 SWAT members Charging into the house with AR15's and Kevlar head to toe.

    After finishing my workout, i stalled at target for 45 mins and then had to return home to the facat that i had some things in the house i couldn't let the police take without me getting documentation.

    I pulled up and there are atleast 30 detectives walking around the complex and all of our neighbors are out watching the action. It was the most awkward thing i have ever expierenced to pull into my driveway while all these cops look at me like "who the fuck is this kid" except they knew exactly who i was...

    I talked to a detective and they later told me this kid Eric had been under watch for 6 months because he was dealing and they were just waiting for him to get out of his parents house. i got my roor taken, 4 bubblers i had gotten on various trips over the years and my first marley fest pipe, i got a paraphernalia ticket (only a class c misdemeanor- 10 hours of community service and a drug class, along with 500 in court fees) . i also had "hunting gear taken" and written up in the newspaper. my Roommate Roger lost his illidelph, SSV, first pipe, bubblers and lost all his bud, also got charged with a class 3 felony for keif.

    The piece of shit eric got a class 2 felony and was later released from jail a week later... he owes Roger and me 500 and 2 weeks later hes back to the same shit..

    I havn't smoked in 6 months and am finally getting back into shit, even though my tolerance is nothing

    The Lesson: Always background check your roommate, and if your gut tells you something is wrong.... it is.

    Stay Safe GC and always use your head.

  2. Damn dude that fucking blows. Crazy story though thanks for sharing. I can't even imagine that going down
  3. Your friend Eric is a dick for throwing partys and shit soon after moving in with new roommates. That's just not cool. Sucks about what went down. Do you have any charges against you, or did he take the fall?

  4. I got a "possesion of Drug paraphernalia" charge and had to do 10 hours of community service and a 15 hour drug class along with $500 in court fees. i got it taken care of but i was hoping to join the military and now i have a permanent black mark on my record... shit happens though i stopped dwelling on it months ago
  5. Dang man thats sad you had to go through that. Im just curious because i live in Texas, but this guy eric must have been moving some weight because they wouldnt be rounding up the swat kicking down doors and watching him for 6 months if he wasnt. So did you know what he was doing before all this happened, im just not clear how you and your other friend didnt have time to move out when you saw what was going on? And when you say hunting gear, you mean they seized your firearms?
  6. Do the police have nothing better to do with their manpower than searching people's houses for a fucking plant?

  7. Yeah he was selling i didnt know if i could say that lol, basically we told him to cut it out and he was doing it while we would go to the gym, and we woulda moved out but we got locked into the lease. They seized my AR15 and a shotgun, i got em back though just a pain in the ass
  8. Dang man thats cool that your got yours guns back, they should of not even touched them to begin with imo. But sounds like you learned about people from this but it just sucks that is was in this way. That guy sounds like a real jerk, if someone asks you to stop dealing in their house, you stop or get the fuck out he obvisouly didnt care about anyone else. Anyways peace. Oh where do you hunt hogs at, we go to south texas and hunt with dogs sometimes but i havent been hunting in a long time
  9. That sucks duude.. Your boy mustah had serious weight.. I'm guessing he was moving more than weed. Either way thats a motherfuckah, you lucked out on getting the guns back.. Also that he took the blame, and didn't try and work a plea...
  10. god dammit eric, why you always fucking our shit up.


    that sucks man, good luck getting ur shit back together.
  11. That really sucks for your friend. Luckily they didn't try to pull the asset seizure card on you and gave you all your stuff back, save for the smoking equipment.

    Knowing the laws in Texas, he better get a good lawyer if he doesn't want to get slapped by the long dick of the law.
  12. Thing is drug paraphenalia is illegal when used, no mattr how much everyone hates it, your bound to get caught one day you cant have lots of drug apparatus an expect to join milatary with all that sitting in your flat.
  13. [quote name='"CBoddicker"']slapped by the long dick of the law.[/quote]

    I'm useing this
  14. fucking dickhead no respect roommate
  15. #16 iNuBBiN, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2013
    If your really from Austin, Tx and this kids name is really Eric( guy I know uses Eric as his drug dealing name) then I'm pretty sure I know this dude. I know a drug dealer named Eric who had his house kicked in like that after running from the cops, and was back to sellin when he bailed himself out
  16. Bro i didnt even smoke at the time i had CLEAN pieces i collected so suck my dick with this whole parental bullshit
  17. The cops were waiting for "eric" to move out of his parents house to bust him? That makes no sense.
  18. They were watching him for 5 months, what doesnt make sense about that....
  19. YEah im really from Austin, kids real name isnt eric, however i do know an Eric that has been raided and he is "little" ring any bells

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