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Sw Florida Fire

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by BurnTreez, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Three different buds i picked up

    Attached Files:

  2. very nice, where at in SW florida?
  3. naples/ft.meyers
  4. Good Ol' Florida!

    Nice pickup bud.
  5. Looking good.
  6. tight trich covered nugs
  7. thankz pal... they look similar but there three different strains
  8. ive had similar buds, except SE florida.. fire rep

  9. Same here, atleast I think so.

    What did it smell like?
  10. all have pretty stong skunky smells
  11. nice florida nugs :)

    lol seeeeeee i do post :p

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