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Surprise Drug Test

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Neaeron149, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I know there is a search function, I have used it, but I would like a little more first hand information.

    So yesterday, my girlfriend was called into the school's office and questioned.
    She got the impression that the school is suspicious about student's drug use, and I am suspect for drug use. There may be a random drug test within the next few days.

    I smoked about 4 days ago. Quite a decent amount too.
    Before that, I smoked about 6 days earlier; barely anything though.

    I have lacrosse practice ever day after school, so I run alot, sweat alot, and drink ALOT of water. As of this moment, I have a slight fever and the flu.
    Knowing that about me, what can I do to pass this *possible* up-coming drug test? It may be tomorrow, next week, or never.
    I are need help. :eek:
  2. throw a bottle of eye drops in your pocket/sock and use it to adulterate the sample. couldnt hurt, right?
  3. Well firstly, refuse to pay for it and most likly they wouldn't test you. if they still do, basically flush your system out as its been suggested, drink lots of cranberry and water and take a long t-break. Best advice m8, usually the surprise tests can be a bitch.
  4. your in america... your school cant legally make you take a drug test unless you or your parent/guardian give written consent to do it.

    and if they tell you sone bullshit about the school officer(s) arresting you...they cant do that without you actually breaking a law.
  5. #5 Neaeron149, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    It's a private school :(

    Aren't they allowed to do anything, pretty much?

  6. That changes everything, because if he refuses, they have every right to expel you.

    I don't know man, next time be much more discrete?
  7. Well, they have no proof. They are just very suspicious. There is a handful of people they are watching carefully and I am on their list.
    I'm just wondering what I "can" do to pass a drug test (if they decide to test me).
  8. If you would know the date ahead of time than you can use fake pee.

    My suggestion? Drink a shit load of water ALL THE TIME. Be pissing constantly and when they decide to drug test you "randomly" the results will be negative because of all the water. If they say they have to do it again, just keep drinking a shit load of water. They can't force you to stop drinking a shit load of water and they will never get a positive result out of it :hello:, plus drug tests costs money, which schools rarely have enough to spend (and once again, NEVER agree to pay for it yourself. Why pay to incriminate yourself?)

    I promise you, doing this will probably get you out of it, you would probably have to pee a lot, but its worth it. With a job its a little different because they can refuse to hire you since they think you're hiding something, but the school won't do shit, guaranteed. I went to private school before and kids did that shit all the time. Basically, my school stopped drug tests all together.
  9. I'm shooting for H20 intoxication... :hello:

    Thanks loads WalkingStoner. I love you.
  10. Your welcome m8, carry one of those 1 gallon jug of water and say your trying to get ripped or something, thats what my druggie friends always did, those some actually did it for that reason
  11. Don't drink too much water. They might test the creatine to check the validity of the urine.
  12. Lacrosse FTW!! yeah just deny be like "wth man what is this" no not really haha.

  13. Like I said, they would then tell him to stop drinking water?

    This isn't trying to find a job or anything, this is just staying in school, do you think they will expel him for inconclusive drug test results? My school (also private) never expelled for that and honestly couldn't even if they wanted to. And no school will EVER pay for a much more comprehensive test and saying it might happen just isn't realistic at all.

    Now, looking for a job/parole is different because yeah, they do check that and have no problem not giving you the job/firing you or getting your butt back in jail.

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