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Sure way to pass ua?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Albert, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I just smoked yesterday and have a ua tomorrow for a job. I need to know a sure way to pass the test which is in less than 24 hours.
  2. Get some clean piss, or buy a masking drink from GNC or some other healthfood store. QCarbo32 is a good one.

    Other than that, you're not gonna pass
  3. As soon as you get a chance go down to the closest GNC or its equivalent. There you should find a fair amount of different detox products. Look around for a little bit, im not to sure what it is called but I know they make detox drinks that you are supposed to drink 3 hours before your UA and it cleans you out. Good luck with that bredda.
  4. alright thanks didn't know gnc sold stuff like that
  5. The only thing that worries me about detox drinks is that they wont work, have heard of them not working
  6. The only SURE THING i can think of would be to not smoke. other than that as Lukas stated, get a clean buddy to piss in a condom..or put your trust into one of the many drinks/powders etc.. Im not sure which ones work and which dont..but theres lots of sites and forums out there that you can find the info on..:wave:
  7. If you follow the instructions to a T they will work. Note that they don't actually detox anything, they just simply mask the illegal contents of your urine for a window of time.
  8. Is there any that get it out of your system, because if I don't land this job might have more tests.
  9. Yes. Good old fashioned time.

    Other than that, nope. THC is stored in your fat cells. Exercise will speed up the process, but it still takes a while.

  10. one of my good friends is taking qcarbo32 right now and has been happy with the results. The one negative thing, well i guess negative, i dont know you could think its cool but the grape flavor apparently turns your shit blue:confused:
  11. If it's your piss, you're probably going to fail. Get someone else's piss or you're screwed my friend.
  12. Okay, thanks for the help
  13. id get fake piss. in fact i have used fake piss...its less yucky then real people pee..costs bout 20-30$ they got it at smoke shops
  14. I heard drinking apple cider vinager works.
  15. Dont do this its a myth liking drinking bleach which will make you go blind
  16. Vinegar might taste bad, but I wouldn't compare it to bleach, sir.
  17. Check out HERSWEETPEE.COM it doesn’t fail. Totally worth every penny.

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