Supreme Court Considers Legality Of Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones -____-

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by ItsReneeYo_, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. State your opinion after reading and thinking about the actual circumstances.
    In your opinion it's murder. You have no right to call the OP a murder and it's against the rules. Debate nice or leave the thread. :smoke:

  2. #22 iAmBetty, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
    And therefore not a baby
  3. Okay. Yes I would say protesters grabbing others or in any way interacting with them physically is wrong,
    Handing out a flyer is okay though. If the person doesn't want it though, It would be wrong to try and force that person to take a flyer. 
    I do think demanding a 35 ft buffer zone is not unreasonable but is also not right. These people have a right to speak out against anything they feel like, where ever they feel like, so long as they are allowed to be in that area. If it was private property they were protesting on, I would say all the power to you getting rid of them. 
  4. So if I killed a child it would be ok because it's therefore not an adult? lol where's your logic.
  5. Have you ever jerked off? Sperm are waiting to get in an egg and waiting to become the fetus that will be waiting to become a baby. If you jerk off, you're a murderer.
  6. Just for the record I would like to state that I am pro-choice. 
  7. I agree I came off strong, my apologies I just don't enjoy this subject.
    Same for the Westboro Church group? :smoke:
    @[member="aLoner"] a fetus is not viable until after 22-23 weeks. a baby has already passed that test. :smoke:
  9. #29 iAmBetty, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
    how is that at all close to what I said?

    Edit: not sure why I quoted this twice... Haha sorry
  10. I have gallons of sperm, therefore you are incorrect.
  11. killing a fetus is ok because it's not a baby, so killing a child is ok because it's not an adult... LOGIC!
  12. #32 iAmBetty, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
    Excuse me, I'd rather just go talk to an actual brick wall
    More Logic. ^ :smoke:
  14. Im always on the fence about abortion but believe it should be the womans choice.

    However im against laws legislating where i can be no matter how big a dick i may be if im not committing a crime.

    I think if they bother you so much maybe you should rethink going or just deal with it. Somebody who would actually harm you wont be deterred by a law
  15. #35 Cawdswallup, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
    I don't recommend name calling friend, I won't report you but eventually someone will. Watch your tongue. 
  16. Yes it does bother me , because it's ridiculous. We don't live in the stone ages. People disagree with others ,get over it. But to go protest at a clinic everyday and harass people when they do more than just abortion to me , is hate speech and harassment. Depending on the crowd
  17. You have gallons , so therefore every time you ejaculate you're killing millions of sperm that could have later become babies.
  18. Life isnt fair. Telling a woman what she can or can't do with her body is not fair. No one is making you abort your baby. 
  19. Here's a (far from comprehensive...) list of 12 different instances of the anti-abortion movement's constant, longstanding willingness to be abusive -- these examples include death threats, racial slurs, impersonating police officers to coerce patients into providing personal information, and more:
    Even though this is not a thread about the merits of abortion (the anti-abortion people always bring it back to that though, thanks guys) here is an article that talks briefly about when babies develop consciousness:
  20. Sperm eventually dies , I am not planning to get married for 10 mor eyears, im 20. So again, your wrong.

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