Supplies and such for 2010

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by rtlshred, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Hey blades,

    I'm planing on growing right this year. Last year's grow was a disaster (spider mites) and I feel if I treat my girls better this year, I will be rewarded in the end :hello:. I was just curious what you guys think is a good general potting mix? I live in Michigan, so the growing window I have is May-September. Average rain fall through out those months is about 3" a month.

    Will be growing with choice seeds from good sacks of herb.

    Thanks for the help guys, planning on making a journal if all goes well.f
  2. Good goin, live and learn man, everytime you do it you feel so much more experienced and prepared for the next time around. Youll do way better this year.

    Fox farms ocean forest is a great mix that lots of people use, it is a bit expensive but deffinitely good. Lots of stuff works though, start with something basic or a seedling mix/organic mix to start your seedlings off with though, never start them in FFOF cause its so rich.

    Good luck buddy, may you have many juicy buds :D:smoke:
  3. Last year i used Miracle Grow Organic Choice and Found it to be awesome, i started my plants in it from the very beginning. Its half the price of the Fox Farms and i feel that is just as good if not better due to the fact that not a single plant of mine were burnt from the nutrients. You can find this great soil at Walmart or home depot. just remember to mix in around 25% Perlite with it and you can add whatever other ammendents you want.

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