Everything is natural in our universe, it's impossible to exit the realm of the natural. Anything that exists outside of our universe is meaningless because there are physical boundaries that separate us from the outside with time and space. So please stop referring to things as "supernatural", the word itself doesn't make sense.
You're right. Supernatural is a word more accurately describing either things that don't currently make sense to natural science or things that people make up and try to pass off as real. A supernatural god cannot exist. If god exists, it must be natural and it is our weakness assuming that it is "supernatural" because we don't understand how it is possible. What is truly supernatural is simply whatever is not. If god exists, though, that raises the same old questions.
I think the same thing when someone says, "illogical". It just shows they only understand about half the logic they should.
Right. But it's important that you acknowledge it's supernatural nature. You must respect both sides of the coin.
It's a one sided coin. We would look at the big bang, the birth of the sun, and of the earth, and of plants and animals and of us all as natural. Why should I believe that the cause of everything that is natural is not also natural?
Because the supernatural exists. Even if it is ultimately natural, the supernatural still exists. You have to recognize everything for what it is.
I'll wait to recognize it for myself and not allow the internet to tell me whatever it is. If it exists, it exists. If it is only in your mind, well sooner or later someone will realize it.
nothing is supernatural. even if it's superhuman. we're full of ourselves. we think we're so intelligent that anything we don't understand is inexplicable. FALSE! also.. i should clarify.. when i think of supernatural.. im not thinking of ghosts and shit like that. im thinking of god and jesus and all the bullshit that the global masses still believe in these days. for real.. religion is just a means to explain what we think we SHOULD KNOW because we think we're smart enough to understand everything on the planet and even in the universe. BULLSHIT. we're just idiots that dont like being confused or wrong.
Even if it only exists in the mind, it exists. Just like even if it's supernatural, it's still natural.
lol no, a thought is not something that manifests itself in reality without action. its only in your reality. yes, on some level it exists. but only to you.
So? Why is your perspective less real than another perspective? lol. since we're laughing at each other. lol.
because i shared it with other perceptive beings. if you keep it to yourself its never exposed to "reality".. its exposed only to YOUR reality.. and individual realities can be very unperceptive of real realities in many cases edit: and im sorry.. i wasnt tryin to laugh at you.. im drunk. lil difficult to argue with complete elegance.. which sometimes might come off as disrespect. dont get me wrong. just because i disagree with you doesnt mean i respect you less.
No. What is natural is natural, and available to all of us. Whatever is in your head is not available to my head unless you master communication enough to invoke me to the same thoughts. And even then, that does not guarantee that it is available to the natural world beyond the fact that we are both born from nature.
some things can't be proven but i agree with you.. reality would have no purpose without somethings' ability to perceive it. but thats a little bit of a different discussion. and yo, just so you know, i edited my last post to pay you respects. lol