
Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by nwduckbutter, Jan 26, 2011.

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  1. I sent ya my order number like you asked, and I haven't got a tracking number still. Lil' help please...:confused_2:
  2. still nothing.....?? wow.
  3. got some info guys, thank you...

    Don't know what it all means, but USPS has info on it now, which is good enough for me.

  4. Two red bars.....when neg rep is disabled for most of it's members..insane...insane. Glad you got your stuff worked out.

  5. I have no clue whatcha mean... But if it means people don't like me, thats a big surprise..

    I'm actually nice on here too.
  6. In 14 posts, no less. Impressive.

  7. I know right? Well I was curious why its so bad.. I checked my pm's, and theres one from SuperJoint in regards to me saying something about the guy who claimed his shipment went to spain. I checked that thread though, and I didn't even post in it.???

    Weird.. Anyways, yeah.. I was threatened with a ban next time, so I have to be on good behavior. I also got like -190 points... From whatever I did.

    I bitched about poor customer service is all.. And I have since notified the peoples that its been handled, and said thanks.
  8. Wow that sucks
  9. Another example of how the current rep system just sucks ass. Only a tiny number of people have neg-rep powers for some reason, tipping the balance of the rep system waaaaay out of place and causing oddities like that. If you check your User CP's main page, you can see who gave it to you on what post (the icon will be red; green means full +rep; ~violet means a + or - rep that didn't have enough "power" to count towards your points, no way to tell if it was + or -). There's also no way to go back and see a full history of rep, that I know of, only what's shown on the User CP front page. I REALLY can't wait to see what direction SJ and crew are going to take with the Like system, it has the potential to be something great.

    But in regards to the actual topic at hand, why would you bring a personal conversation with SJ out into public? I've caught major hell for that kind of thing in the past on other sites... so I guess this is me giving you your dose of hell for it. ;)

  10. I made a public fuss over it because I had tried several times to get a email response, and multiple times w/ the GC support page, where you can post a question and they get back to ya.. A week later..
  11. Whatever, the rep system is stupid anyway. I believe it's only for really deep shit. Like a way of saying I agree and thanks for the insite.
  12. You do know the shop and the forum are completely separate right? I mean it's only plastered everywhere and Superjoint himself told you that. THAT is why you got negative rep. The forums are not the place to bitch about the shop.
  13. LOL! This went from a Shop issue to yet another rep thingy. :p
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