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Superbowl Tokin'

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dildodaggins, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Haven't seen any threads like this... So i decided to make one. Anybody have any plans for the superbowl? Maybe have a super fat bowl perhaps? I'm from Wisconsin so it's gonna be a great game. I plan on going to a buddy's house, smoke a few bowls, take a few shots, drink a beer, and relax and enjoy the game. Share you plans? :hello:
  2. Blind OP is blind.
  3. LOL. sorry didn't mean to make you mad... didnt see that thread
  4. me and my friend just smoked an 8th for the game

  5. me and my friends bought a quarter and are gonna smoke it all
  6. Not mad bro :) You seem chill as fuck.


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