Hey everyone. Long time no see I like to smoke outside in NYC fairly often. Up until now, I've been mixing tobacco with some herb and repacking it into real cigs. The problems with this are- the smell is still recognizeable if you're close and it's not possible to perfectly repack the cigs with a flat end. Id like my cigs to look "untampered" if someone ever looked. One "benefit" of commercial cigs is that the chemicals in them open up your lungs more so it enhances the effect. I don't get that from natural rolling tobacco. My idea is to extract a strong qwiso hash solution using alcohol and then dip the cigs in it. Ill let it dry out and then carry the pack like nobody's business. It should smell far less than using straight herb and leave the cig whole. I would use dark cigs like moores or cloves to make the green staining invisible. Just before smoking, I pull the filter out. My concern is warping of the the cigs while they are drying but I can always just say my pack got wet and I don't feel like spending $12! on another. Does anyone have any more ideas or advice on this? Especially suggestions of brands that would work best. Thanks ya'll!
http://forum.grasscity.com/toking-tools/339779-howto-roll-perfect-hash-oil-enhanced-joint.html Kind of similar to what you suggested, but your idea sounds pretty cool.I'd only coat the first half of the cig to help prevent it from crumbling over. Or you could use a dropper and drop a fair amount of the hash oil down into the cig. The only problem you run into though is the filter, (from what I've heard) the THC molecules are too big to all travel through the filter so you lose some potency.
might i suggest somethign? i dunno where u live..but where i live they have this thing for people who roll their own cigarettes.. its like a package.. it contains this plastic roller machine thing (not really a machine but you know like a thing_) but anway, with that- you buy a box of unfilled cigarettes (and if u wanted to..get some balishag or some buglers or something or bags of tobacky) and go home and roll em with the machine now the thing is.. my friend doesn't smoke cigarettes..anmore. so he just rolls cigarettes but puts shit ton of weed in it and it always comes out looking sexy.
Yea, I've considered making some hash-infused tobacco and just rolling my own. However, this is for super-stealth and id prefer perfect branded cigs so there are no questions. I always pull the filter just before smoking. My main question is how "wet" will they look and are there better brands to use?
you could get a cig casing packer i used to have one and i got the cases from jersey just used to put bud in it and tobacco at the very end(just enough so it wasnt green barely enough to burn) juss sayin itd make shit look prettier ohman that guy said the same thing its like our minds are on the same exact frequency... LETS MAKE BROWNIES!
Honestly, I smoke on the streets of NY all the time with a dugout and a cigarette bat. Seems like you are going through far too much trouble. I would also be concerned about the tobacco absorbing some of the alcohol leading to either bad tasting or overly flammable tobacco.
I doubt they'd be too fucked up looking. I've gotten cigs wet before and let them dry, they were just a bit discolored. I can't imagine a tincture/hash oil would be that much different. Why not try it on one cig, and see how it comes out?
in the uk, they have these things called rizla concept. you get a cig tube with the orange end and cig look etc and then you buy cig tobacco ( not natural hand rolling) and a machine and then you pour the tobbacco in the machine ( you have to even it out) then when its ready place the cig tube and it puts the backy in and packs it down. so if you even it out with bud and take the filter out before roll and make a cardboard roach and replace the filter with that then put the bud in the backy mix in machine then it will roll a stealth joint that looks EXACTLY like a cig. look around NYC for something like those or if you cant just order some of the internet they are pretty cheap. Happy tokin
Man they are. but when you make those browines that are just moist enough its a wrap that batch is gonna me my chaser after the next Jay lol
I know what you mean but can't even afford a single citation or arrest on my record. It really haunts you for life. I still smoke outside but I would like to do it as casually as one smokes a cig. And if someone does search me, I want it to look 100% legit. The alcohol will fully evaporate after enough time so it is important to wait. Will try out a few cigs tonight so stay tuned...