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Super Silver Haze Pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by PBtoken, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. Hey there.
    I picked up an eighth of Super Silver Haze yesterday and thought I'd post a couple pictures to see what you all thought. So anyway, here they are. By the way, it smokes great. Stuff's wacky. :bongin:





  2. super tasty looking nugs, +rep :smoke:
  3. Looks Tasty +rep
  4. That looks beautiful:eek:
  5. Wow, that looks like it was picked off of a fucking quartz. +1
  6. Looks frosty, looks goood :smoking:
  7. damn that looks like the silver haze we get over here....ahh the good memories :D
  8. i like your taste in weed
  9. Yeah this is definitely a new favorite for me. So sparkly. :D
  10. SSH is one of my fav's. Wish I had some of that right now.
  11. aaight damn i need a good quality cam cuz i have the same bud its good nice high!
  12. Mmmm tasty tasty sativa weed. Take care of business after you smoke that stuff bro!
  13. nice buds bro:smoking:
  14. Yummm frostyyy
  15. ahh i remember when silver haze came through where i live, so beautiful *tear*
  16. mouth is watering haha very nice, enjoy!
  17. extremely awesome looking haze, nice!!

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