So who else had a great day today? I went to work, got some shit done, came back and chilled at my friend's house on the porch in the back and smoked outta his Zong for a while, got some pizza, and now I'm at home waiting for dinner to be ready And tomorrow I'm seeing Clapton/Winwood at the Izod Theater in Jersey, and a party will be at my friends house at night because his parents are away for the week. I think that qualifies for Super-nice-day, and another is on the queue for tomorrow! I'm tired of all the depressing threads getting started, who else is having an a-okay time this summer?
Im as happy as I could be. high and content with everything around me glad you're swell too good vibes to allllllllllll
my day will be A LOT better when my ribs are done marinating in some bomb ass marinade i made. I'm gonna cook them on the grill. rolling up a blunt right now to smoke on while grilling!!
NICE dude a barbecue sounds so good right now... I'm fixin to eat some delicious lasagna though so I'm all good too
I spent most of the morning creating a toaster handle. Broke the thing that makes the toaster stay down so take everything apart and created something out of electrical tape and wood. Very happy!!! I now have toast!!