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super lemon haze and gods gift pics

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by frostedflames, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. some dank from my dispensary in pasadena


    the gift!
  2. Dank as fuckkk... How much you pick up?
  3. I go through about a 1/4 a week

    lol idk if thats like rediculous or not

    whats everyones smoking habits like?

    I have been smoking for about 2 or 3 years with no t break maybe a few dry day s here and there but i usually wake n bake and continue to smoke till i goto bed lol..
  4. Wow that looks exactly like the God's Gift I got a couple months back
  5. lol right on id like to get my hands on that Gods gift

  6. That's not that much. An ounce a month is really not a lot at all. That being said, a little tolerance break would definitely help. Or you could just buy a vaporizer and save your money AND lungs.

  7. I think about it and then im like..there so expensive! thats bud i could be buying lol.

  8. I guarantee it would pay for itself in like a month man (depending on what kind of vape you got)

  9. If you're a moderate to heavy cannabis user it will pay for itself very quickly. You don't have to get anything too fancy, I'd check out Vapor Brothers.
  10. thats gods gift stuff looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking dank how much you pay for it?
  11. Id give my left nut for a few o's of the gift.

    lol, maybe not my leftie, but you get it.

  12. lmaoo yah that gods gift is sexy
  13. about to pick up today on some something..


    not sure yet but will post picks! :hello:
  14. got some grape ape

    tangerine og

    and royal velvet og ill post picks tomorrow when theres sun light
  15. that gods gift is g. g. :')
  16. that haze looks killer . i had some 2 weeks ago along with some purple haze. sittin on some afghan mango now

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