super iced grapefruit #1, 5 seeds first grow...(help)

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by thrichrome, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. hi. my first grow, super iced grapefruit, 5 seeds, indoors, 250 watt mh veg 18on 6off, using 7" pots...not sure the liters, canna coco +, canna aqua clay pebbles canna nutes and guide for light feeding, germinated on 1st of march,paper towel method 4 poped on the 3rd, put in the medium, 5th the next day, all sprayed lightly,canna rhizo 15ml, canna a+b 8ml to 10 liters as instructed, temps 21-22c and 43-67% humid, ph 6.1, ec 0.8, all surfaced on the 5th, needed spraying again, 1 had case on, left it, it looked fairly tight, light 10-12" from pots. on the 6th 4 good, 1 still had case and i sprayed again.same routine on 7th. on the 8th i pulled the case off, tweezer job, fed without sprayer round pot edges, made new feed 10ltr, rhizo 20ml, a+b10ml, cannazym 10ml, ec 1.0 ph 6.1 . fed with new batch on 9th, all look ok. on the 10th no feed or water. 11th fed round edge of pots. no feed on 12th or 13th, same run off ph, temps and humidity. 14th they look ok but small,watered well. 15th no feed. 16th 4 look ok the 1 witch had case looks a bit yellow and curlyish, watered ph 5.8 ec 1.0 . 17th no water. 18th made new feed 10ltr, a+b12ml, cannazym 15ml, rhizo 20ml, gave water only. 19th fed well, temp 23c 51% humidity, 20th 21st 22nd and 23rd no feed. 24th all have dry brownish tips on bottom leaves, 1 plant is quite yellow, ec 1.1, ph run off 6.1 and the stems look like there sheding skin bright green underneath? please help me with these plants, any help will be well appreciated, i'll attach some pics that i'v taken and any more info anyone might need just ask and ill put it straight on. thaks for listening.
  2. hi, did you end up finshing this grow

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