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Super fucking pumped!!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SingleActionSix, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. I'm so happy right now. I just got back from AZ to PA and I thought I was out of bud, I also didn't feel like talking or meeting anyone just for the sake of bud so I figured I would be dry until morning but to my surprise there was a pea sized chunk of hash sitting in my usually unused jar. This feeling is like the one yu get when you find money in your pocket that you didn't know was there but this is 10x better. This is for all of you on GC at the moment... I'm about to spark this bitch.:D
  2. Nice man! Happy toking :smoke:
  3. Nfgould a little bit of positivism wouldn't hurt would it lol.
  4. onetime i used the money i found in my old pants to buy weed when i was low on cash. it was kind of like the same feeling

  5. Yeah I could see that being equally as awesome.
  6. All I can say is that I want a vaporizer, any one with me?

  7. I own one, and after purchasing i learned something, i prefer bongs :bongin:
  8. #9 Yosh139, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2012
    Tonight I smoked my first rolled joint :hello: I've smoked joints before but none by my hand :D
    Roll was okay, not as tight as I could make it but that will come with practice right???? :smoke: :smoking:

    Edit: Here's a picture:
  9. Ive got a volcano and it is my favourite for every day use by FAR....but whenever you have an actual sesh the bongs gotta come out :)

  10. I like bongs but my personal favorite is my chillum and joints since I've been traveling and don't like lugging a bong or bubbler,

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