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Super fucked

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cannabis Smoker, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I've been smoking for a good 4 years, and I still get this affect.

    If I take a huge ass rip and hold it in for a few seconds and blow out, I feel this insane stun in my body.

    Like I litteraly can't talk for 2-3 minutes and have no interest in smoking for 5 minutes.

    Not complaining or anything, it's fucking awesome. Just wondering if you guys feel the same shit? :smoke:
  2. i cant say ive ever felt that...but when i stare off into space and forget i am even smoking....thats when i know i took a good hit :D
  3. nope, but the way you put it, it sounds pretty damn intense.
  4. yeah but i can talk
    you know that feeling you get on your foot when it goes numb tingly
    i get that all over my body and if feels extra good in my arms i just can stop touching them
  5. I got that maybe the first 2 or 3 times i smoked from a bong haha, but almost 2 years in now and i can say no, its deff not that good. But man i wish it was, your quite lucky eh!
  6. My eyes get a bit tingley, but not my feet. I smoke KB so I don't get the good body high :(
  7. I love getting that feeling after taking a massive bong rip. My body gets all tingly and a very nice rush to the head. It's awesome as hell.
  8. Yea it's such an amazing head rush, I can only do it on bongs/gravitys though. Anything else is weak compared to it.

  9. I can do it with some pipes, but it depends what it's made of and the size of the bowl really. Generally a bong hit will do it better though.
  10. Oh shit!!

    I get that whenever I get huge fucking rips!

    Like, I haven't "really" smoked in about 2 months... and a couple days ago ripped my buddies bong shiiit. First couple passes I was golden no coughing, then we all decided to just straight RIP it, ohhh shit dude!

    EVERYTHING goes really quite, and like I talk super quite, it doesn't last long, but damn it's fucking intense!

    Forgot to mention, coughed my ass off as this happend too =P

    Oh, and I get the "fuck smoking sucks" feeling for a minute, then I'm back to hitting the bong haha!

  11. Oh man, I do the same shit sometimes. Usually takes a few good hits though. I've came close to spilling the bud out of the bowl not paying attention how I am holding it while staring into space.
  12. Dude that's exactly what I mean by the 5 minute thing. I'm like shit dude. And I feel like I'm going to pass out, but in a good way.

    And I just started smoking yesterday after a 1 month t break. Talk about fucked up on the first gravity rip.
  13. hahha yea dude i love that. You zone off and then 5 mins later you think "o wait what am i doin again??" then you look down at your bowl that spilled all over the carpet haha

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