Super Fast Germination Technique

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by InfernalSavior, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. 'Sup GC. I discovered something interesting the other day that I thought I'd share with you.
    Alright so usually when I go to germinate seeds, I stick 'em in a cup of water or use the plate/towel method. Both of which will usually take around 3-5 days to germinate seeds.
    However I've discovered another method that takes 1-2 days, tops.
    Take your seeds and place them in a cup of water, but instead of leaving it in the dark or whatever, you wanna have a light on it. I grow with CFL's. & I actually discovered this by accident.
    What happened was, one of my seedlings sprouted, so I put some light on it. I had two seeds in a cup of water germinating, and the roots came out about a day after I had the light on the seedling.
    Point in case, CFL (or maybe any grow light) + water + seed = Super Fast Germination.
  2. Hmm, I have some seeds. I'm trying this out soon. Thanks!
  3. if you just stick seeds in soil u will have green leaves sticking out in 2-3 days instead of all this germination b/s. but good discovery broski
  4. Hmm...I'm skeptical. Not that I don't believe you, there's just other factors you might have been overlooking.

    Did the CFLs heat up the water at all? Cause I know pretty much all they need is moisture and warmth...warmer temps also tend to make seeds germinate a little faster.

    Good find though! I'll have to try this with my next batch.
  5. The CFLs possibly did head the water up somewhat, because they do emit some heat. I don't know what contributed to the quick germination, but it was honestly the fastest germination I've ever done out of about 30 seeds total. Just try it out, let me know if it works guys.
  6. Neat and worth a try! Thank you for sharing... Ill let you know how it works out.
  7. [quote name='"WasntMeh"']if you just stick seeds in soil u will have green leaves sticking out in 2-3 days instead of all this germination b/s. but good discovery broski[/quote]

    In the sun or under lights?
  8. under a single 23 watt any spectrum cfl will be fine....
  9. Wow, interesting. I was always under the belief that light is NO good for roots or tap root in this case. H2O, a little warmth, darkness has always been the rule. You gain a couple days maybe? It's a long journey, no need to rush, I'll stick with the history and the science. Have a good grow!
  10. How far away was the light? That could help determine if it was indeed the light or just the warmth from the light that sped things up...
  11. Are we talking germination as in showing the taproot or seedling popping out, ready for light? Last few I have tried, 8-12hours in water, then about 3-4 days in soil. Seedling peeks out, ready to grow.
  12. I just put a seed in soil and watered it and put it under some lights yesterday without germinating.
  13. nice thread dude... i recently put a pakistan ryder auto flower seed to germinate and im still waiting for it to show me some type of germination... its been 5 days now and still nuttin... im mad as hell that seed hasnt germinated yet... any advice?...

  14. make sure you keep the soil moist and not completely soaked.
  15. I know pretty much all they need is moisture and warmth...warmer temps also tend to make seeds germinate a little faster.[​IMG]
  16. Wow I've never had a seed take more than two to three days to germinate.
  17. #17 BadKittySmiles, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2012
    I 'scarify' the edges then even go so far as to crack the shell with tweezers, pop it in the soil under my lights (or in paper towel on dishes if I haven't made room for the new kids yet... paper towels take longer because they are stifled, where as by 20 hours in medium, they're already breaking through the surface and opening their baby leaves), give them RO water with a quarter-strength dose of foliar nutes and mycorrhizae, and in 18 - 20 hours I usually have the first little leaves showing from 90% of the seeds planted. :)

    From the old 3oz competition thread...


    And 19 hours later;


  18. That is amazing

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