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(super dank pick-up) super gooey, oily Sour D.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by tucansam420, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. picked some of this danky Sour D smothered in oil. im insanely blitzed off two rips. :smoke:

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  2. holy fuck man :eek:

    that sounds craazzzyyyy haha wish I had a nug like that :hippie:
  3. im always willing to share :)
  4. How are you enjoying that, brother? :wave:
  5. I wish my bro would slather his diesel in oil and then give it to me. xD
  6. :) it's totally worth it. shit is potent to the extreme. a gram was $40 but it's crazy good.
  7. bumpy for the danky.
  8. It seems strange to say this, but that looks delicious.
  9. wow
    allI have to say lol:eek:
  10. I just came...
  11. just took another rip of this.
    anyone else get this stuff?
  12. I've had some, and it was AMAZING! The weird thing was it just crumbled up when I broke off a bit, instead of being super gooey like I thought it would. Was this the case with yours?
    Mine was sent from cali to a friend along with a bunch of dispensary chocolates, and I think he might have had it in his freezer or something before he had me break some off.
  13. no way, this stuff was extreemly gooey. impossible to break lol, the gram was 2 nugs, the pics one of the two nugs, i just had to pack the whole bud into the bowl. hard to handle cuz it was sticky :)
  14. My buddy brought over a nug covered in golden oil once. I remember a hit of it was similar to a bowl or two of just good weed. Incredible shit.
  15. Oh man that looks like some syrup. damn, nice

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