Anybody ever do anything really crazy while high? For example one day i got something out of my cabinet and two glass cups started to fall as soon as i turned away from the cabinet, did a full 360 and caught the cups in mid air. And i do shit like this all the time but the cups are just the craziest thing. Any stories?
One time me and my friend were high and it was kinda shitty weather so it was raining. We were walking through the public park smoking as we had nothing else to do. I like the rain So we approached this grass hill you had to slightly run down to get down without slipping - well me being really high tried edging down it and at that moment I got that feeling where you go up the stairs in the dark and you reach the top and take another step. Adrenalin!! So I was slipping down this really muddy slope on my 2 feet, bent legs, leaning back, back like 1cm from the mud It was so strange my back never went in the mud at all or anything even though I balanced myself as I slid probably around 3feet down the slope
Just remembered something crazy my friend did, We were on this little bridge above a small creek, and he flicks his cig off and it landed straight up in the mud still burning haha.
I know this is nerdy but I actually write all of my research papers when I am medicated! I have a 4.0 GPA about to graduate with a bachelors in psychology and my writing skills really come to life when I smoke, pretty cool
Oh jeez, I haven't been on GC in a while but I'm glad I came back to find this thread! Because of the winter weather everything in my life has been full of static electricity all the time, namely my long hair. I'll run a brush through it and look in the mirror to find my hair floating all around me, trying to static cling to everything/anything. Recently though (here comes to super crazy high skills) I've been able to just think about the energy of the particles in my hair and the energy of my hands, smooth my hands over my hair and all the static cling dissipates! It works with clothes that have just come out of the dryer too! It doesn't work unless I concentrate on what I like to think of as "calming ions" and I never used to be able to do it. Now I need to figure out how to use my energy powers for greater purposes
I sleep really well when I am high. It may not sound like a super crazy skill, but at least in my dreams I can fly. :shrug:
It depends, i can hide really well when high, i stay still in most uncomfortable spots and not be bothered. Also my focus is much better, sober i have very little focus (tired all the time) but when i'm high i can just focus, Cod is heaps fun high, i'm actually some what decent.
I actualy had a counsler who was a dayly heavy smoker. and she also taught a class at the college. I remember sitting at her house, serounded by her 7 dogs. smoking a fat bowl of some of the dankest weed i have smoked to this day to the head. watching her work on her papers for work and for school. just sitting on her giant chair with a massive table like ottman. with her steel bong. steel cause she got tiered of replacing her bong. and just puffing away talking about shit and messing with her dogs. it was fucking awsome. and realy awsome for me. helped me alot to be able to sit at her house and just fucking talk to her and know that she was listening. awsome woman.
I tripped out, laid on my front lawn, and stared at the trees silhouetted against the stars for 2 hours... pretty crazy.
One night i was blitzed walking back home from a friends place where we were toking. just walking along the road alone, then i start to here a little Clinging sound, like a dog collar. So i turn around and theres this black dog running at me ( it was prolly just a normal dog but since i was high it looked like those CG wolves from The Day After Tommorow) My adrenalin kicked in and i booked it down the street in a full out sprint, i never think ive ran so fast in my life, at one point it didnt even feel like i had control of my legs, they were just doing it by themselves. My stride was huge too, it was like i was jump/running from one leg to the other. I ran about 100metres to the fence i have to climb over on the way home, (i was convinced once i started climbing the dog was gonna bite my leg) so i just flung myself over the fence. then i turn around to see that theres nothing there, no dog, just nothin. fml so i got home and toked up again cause all that movement killed my chill
i have really great reflexes i don't know how many times a friend has tried to sneak up on me or hit me and i accidently kick em or smack em in the face. It usually ends with us all laughing that the fucker for trying to scare one of us lol
I can skate ALOT better when im high but not when im too baked to do anything. Like, able to move without stumbling. I get more into wat im doing, you know wat i mean?