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Super confused

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Seargent Shrubs, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. So, I woke up this morning and decided to smoke a bowl before watching tv all day due to being snowed in. No matter how many hits I took, I felt very very little effects, positive and negative. Is this tolerance?
  2. like how much did you smoke, and how often
  3. A bowl or two a day everyday. But I haven't been at it for a year or anything, probably 3 months.
  4. Shit weed maybe?
  5. That or you just need higher quality bud.
  6. I'm smoking some dro..
  7. You got fucked's basil.
  8. No troll replies please.
  9. Damn...I've been caught.

    Your tolerance is probably too high, give it a rest for a couple days and try back again...if nothing happens after two days, you in fact were sold basil.
  10. Is it possible for my tolerance to be so high that I get no effects at all? I'm pretty worried.
  11. Worried? About what?

    It is possible, it took me years of constant use to get to the point that weed had absolutely no effect on me at all...for some it takes longer, for other people less.
  12. dude just smoke all of it and if you dont get high than go punch your dealer in the face
  13. I know it's good quality weed.

  14. Obviously not THAT good of quality if ur not even gettin a lil tickle from mary's euphoria
  15. if you are really worried...take a 2 month break of working out and sweating and eating good.

    Then come back full force with a gravity bong with white widow.

    Then see how fucking high you get lmao.
  16. This same weed got me stoned a few days ago. Maybe you're right, maybe I should take like a 10 day break.

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