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SUPER burnt out after blazing

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by assymcgee420, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. whatup guys. I seem to always get extremely burnt out maybe 2-3 hours after my sesh. I can barely move and can't get anything done. Are there any cures other than energy drinks?
  2. usually the more i sit around the more tired i get so just force yourself to do something. Also if you smoking indica try switching to sativa you'll be less burnt out, and couch locked.
  3. Smoke more?
  4. Get up and do something other than sitting and watching tv or drooling.
  5. -facepalm- If you had stuff to get done, why were you smoking?
  6. Ahhh, this is my fundamental problem with smoking. This is really the only drawback to smoking that I have encountered and continue to struggle with. Some things I do are, drink coffee AFTER your high is done and you want to be awake, eat some fresh fruit, take a quick (20-30min) nap, exercise before you smoke (after is actually preferable if you can do it), smoke less, smoke more slowly, take a shower. Those are mine, but I wanna hear if anyone else has any suggestions as well.
  7. yea
    the only thing keeping you from doing stuff is yourself
    i do everything high
    its just weather you get the fuck up
    and start doing it or not.
  8. My advice is to have very small sessions during the day. There's not really a tiresome comedown from a mellow high. Don't get really high until it's night time and all your shit is done for the day. That way when you're all burnt out you can just put on some TV and go to sleep.
  9. Vaping rarely puts me on my ass.
  10. #10 Deleted member 327912, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
    Hey Man,
    You should try changing your routine slightly. What time of day do you smoke? Are you smoking after work? If you are smoking after a day of work/activities, hitting it hard and filling up on munchies, you are bound to burn out. I recommend smoking outside a few times. The change in temperature (up or down) will force a response from your body. This should perk you up for a bit.

    If you hit your weed hard and fast, you are more likely to burn out quicker. Try pacing yourself a little and you should notice a difference.

    Try to eat a while before getting high or towards the end. If you stuff yourself when high, you will naturally want to laze or sleep. When you eat food blood is directed away from non-crucial places and redirected to your digestive system. The body does this to provide the digestive system with more glucose in order to ensure your digestive system has enough energy to do it's job. Lying down will also slow this process and drag out the burn out time.

    If you like to lie down when smoking, you will naturally be inclined to sleep. Your body is in a relaxed state and the high increases this significantly. You will be surprised how effective a 10 minute walk can be, especially after eating. This helps your body digest faster (gravity) and the movement of muscles will get more glucose circulating around again.

    This won't help, this will make it worse. You should pace your smoking.

    You can still smoke and get stuff done :smoke:
  11. Showers help.

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