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Super Bowl Sunday

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BuddhistBrian, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. So all you American's out here GrassCity probably know today is Super Bowl Sunday.

    What are your plans for the big game? If you're not American, are you still gonna watch the game?
    I'm hosting a little party at my house and sharing some super bowls for the Super Bowl, lol.
  2. Gonna sit back and watch the game, pretty much it. It's a nasty day out here though, overcast and chilly.
  3. I've never watched a full football game in my life haha
  4. That's a fucking crazy food football field.
    I'm not a huge football fan myself, or of any sport really. But sometimes you look like a loser when you don't know what was going on during the Super Bowl.

    Anyway, I don't think many stoners are crazy about sports
  5. No offense, but I never found out whats so appealing about watching sports. It is just boring for me. So yeah, as my answer implies, I've never cared much for the Super Bowl. I watch parts of it, but I don't bother to watch the full thing. The only thing I enjoy about the Super Bowl are the parties.
  6. this thread depresses me.... I'd love to sit back on the couch in front of a big hdtv and watch the game while smoking bowls..but i live with the parents and am going to relatives to watch the game... Not a fun day
  7. I can't stand to watch football, I love watching just about every ice hockey game on tv though haha.

    I'll really only watch the superbowl because of the commercials, some of the commercials make it worth while to watch.
  8. Same here, but it's probably because we never got into it. If you really love a team, its probably way more intense. When you actually want to see a team win instead of not giving a fuck :D

    Anyways, I think playing sports is 100x better then watching them. The only sport thats not boring as fuck for me to watch is Football though, but i still never watch it.
  9. Never really been a big sports fan. Can't even smoke since I'm sick. Going to be pretty boring :(
  10. wow this makes me sad, im going to a 15-25 person super bowl party where we will be filling super bowls all night
  11. Packers will win!
  12. It looks really good this year and I live in Dallas, so I'm gonna watch most of the game

    The Packers are gonna kick the steelers out of town!

  13. Since the super bowl is in my hometown where I live there is a shit load of things to do for it today. Shit has been going crazy the past week here in dallas, it iced over HARDCORE where you could barely drive, then the next day its snowed like 3 inches (which is a lot for us haha). I was stuck in my house for 3 days cause of the ice. It's cool the superbowl is here this year n all but damn I can't wait for all these people to leave lol.
  14. I don't really watch too much football (I know, I know), but I'm going over to a buddies house and watching it with some friends. Sadly no bud though.:(
  15. Not really a football fan, instead I plan on eating the good food and playing games whilst smoking up some of my freshy aquired bud, as this is the first bag I've had all year today will be a day for becoming stoned.
  16. I cant believe all of you haters :p
  17. #18 DRTYDUB21, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Go pack go. I hope Big Ben gets raped out there today.
  18. i will not be watching the super bowl. im really not to interested in football, im just gonna look like a loser when everyone is talking about it. kids in my highschool are jock fags. [no offence, these kids are just all spoiled rich, cocky, and could never live without there parents] and kids will probably be like "i hear some fags didnt watch the super bowl"

    but sigh thats how life is, i might catch a movie with my dad or something.

    but i dont get how people find it fun to just sit and watch people they dont know run around for 3 hours play for play. kind of seems boring to me i guess
  19. I want Packers to win, but I think steelers are gonna take it again this year.

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