super bowl predictions?

Discussion in 'All Sports' started by jlay202, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. guess who will win, what the score will be.
    me: steelers 24, pack 21, steelers win
  2. Steelers Win.

    Steelers 35
    Green Bay 10
  3. HAHAHAHA STEELERS WIN? ARE YOU KIDDING? The packers are too hot man, they're on fire! You can't stop aaron rodgers. I don't even like the packers that much TBH, I like the vikings the most but I know the packers will probably will. I have a feeling I'm right, sorry.:smoke:
  4. Super Bowl would be absurd. I got to Jacksonville and Super Bowl last season after Willie Parker got hurt. they should be serious contenders this season. such as Minnesota, why the hell not AP.

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