super bowl plans?

Discussion in 'General' started by themellowtoker, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. hey dudes i was just chillin and packing a huge bowl of white widow for the super bowl. im going to make sure my mind is totally melted lol. so what are you guys planning for the big game?

  2. today I have on all my broncos gear, even have my john elway rookie card displayed by the tv for good luck. probably spend most of the day watching old bronco videos from the 80's and 90's and relive the glory days of the last two super bowl wins. then do my game day ritual of watching the game alone and smoking. I don't like watching games with anyone else because I am just a shell of myself and don't yell and scream at the tv like I do when I'm alone. 
  3. Chill like any other sunday and give zero shits about football

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  4. #4 New Yorks Finest, Feb 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2014
    Even though im positive i won't finish half of it but... 1391360822004.jpg Sent from my Prism using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. Chill and then hop on one of the band wagons after half-time. Which ever seems to be going the better route. 
  6. [quote name="New Yorks Finest" post="19452799" timestamp="1391360824"][​IMG] 1391360822004.jpgSent from my Prism using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote]Hey man wanna be friends? Lol
  7. None- much as I would like to watch the game, we dumped the dish.   :eek: 
    So today on our two channels, we get golf, and kiddy programs! Mostly we just watch the news- not having all those channels to tempt me, gives me a lot more free time! I'll just work on my List, looking for flaws- double postings, spacing errors, nitpicking stuff!
  8. To not watch the superbowl and do homework instead :hello:
  9. i'm going to watch the game and pretend like i'm football fan like 80% of all people who watch the superbowl.
    jk i'm not watching that shit. it's just another day.
  10. go to a friends house for a little party, drink some beers, smoke some weed, eat some bomb mexican food, and yell at the tv. its gonna be a good day :)

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  11. transplanting the clones and watering the girls...another day another dollar
  12. Drinks and food with friends. I'm excited. :smoking: 
  13. Anyone watching the puppy bowl? It's a tradition in my apartment
  14. It worked out perfect, my workplace closes at 6 today and my buddies are gonna be waiting at the bar across the street with some reserved booths. Gonna get shitfaced off beer, go Seahawks!

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  15. Watch the game and blaze. :smoke:

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