
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Pineapple420, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hey, My names Megan. :D

    Newbie, I just started toking a bit back.
    But i do quite like it. :D

    I have to be sneaky sneaky tokey tokey, since i live with my parents.
    But thats what they make highlighter pipes for right?

    Im a college student, yee yee.

    anyways. Merry smoking. :)
  2. Hello Megan :wave::hello::wave::hello:
    Females are ALWAYS appreciated here lol. Since most of the general internet population are males and all.
    Wait highlighter pipe? :eek: Oh God no. Please tell me that it's not a plastic ghetto toxic fume emitting tool of destruction.
  3. no way man. Its a pipe hidden inside a highlighter! :D
  4. Whats a highlighter pipe?:smoke:
  5. Have any of you ever forgott to blow the smoke out? :smoke:

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