Plants look good. Chicken wire for cages doesn't work well. IMHO. I don't know your expectation either. Maybe something like this. This was taken three weeks ago. Happy harvesting.
yea the chicken wire is just a deer deterrent until I can finish my fence on Saturday. My plan is exactly what you have pictured, thanks.
Mine as of today. Week 5.. Doing a top dress with humic and organic worm casting once a week. Happy Growing. Good Luck to you!
wow, that's impressive. I hope I get an earlier start next year. Still hope I do ok, you are going to do awesome.
Running 2 tsp per gallon of the sea blast, 4 gallons per plant, and am also now using HI-brix and Catalyst, today I top dressed with rainbow mix. Plants seem to be loving it.
Sorry for no updates for awhile, here is some bud pr0n Strawberry Banana 54 - Copy by ManInDirt posted Oct 18, 2017 at 4:55 PM Chocolate hashberry Chb2 by ManInDirt posted Oct 6, 2017 at 11:44 PM Sour Diesel 57 - Copy by ManInDirt posted Oct 18, 2017 at 4:55 PM 56 - Copy by ManInDirt posted Oct 18, 2017 at 4:55 PM Tahoe Og 55 - Copy by ManInDirt posted Oct 18, 2017 at 4:55 PM Blue Dream 60 - Copy by ManInDirt posted Oct 18, 2017 at 4:55 PM 59 - Copy by ManInDirt posted Oct 18, 2017 at 4:55 PM 58 - Copy by ManInDirt posted Oct 18, 2017 at 4:55 PM
Well I used to grow when I was younger outdoors in modesto, that was many many years ago. back then it was supersoil and bag seed and we did pretty damn well, lol. Nothing like this though. Thanks for the kind replies.
Here is one of my first buds from this year. This was a bit early because of the NorCal wind that was blowing 40mph. It broke. so I dried it. Fortunately all my other plants survived that wind storm and the fires. Pineapple Express.
Ain't nothing wrong with that! I'll post some of mine when I get it trimmed up. SO. MUCH.'s all worth it in the end though.
Re IDK. With all the daunting new regulations and requirements it's hard to say what is going to happen in California. I'm really connected with DFW (CA, Department Of Fish & Wildlife) for other reasons than cannabis but they are saying that they had NO idea of the complexity of the regulations and their involvement in the process. So I'm guessing that whatever happens in this state that outdoor growers are going to be in for a big surprise. It is my understanding that there will be different requirements for potency percentages for medicinal and recreational. Recreational being the lowest percentage rate for THC. 12%. It may change though with the levels of bureaucracy in this state to get anything done. The OAL "Office Of Administrative Law" is the entity that will be writing and approving ALL the new regulations and that process could take years. I know this because of the being involved with DFW for regulation adoption for the new Falconry regulations. It took them 5 years to put a package together and we are still negotiating with them for corrections in the language. And that is a fairly straight forward regulation package that was already written at the federal level. California decided that they needed to make the regulations more restrictive than the federal language that was already in place. We are in for a rough ride with this state. Mark my words! Cheers brothers!
Well I hope things work out, it seems all the counties around here have reversed their initial decision to let people grow, commercially or medically. Do you hunt with falcons? Man that is something that has always intrigued me. I am an avid fisherman and hunter myself.