I'm getting my first tattoo. My parents are going through some really difficult shit, and my mom's in a pretty horrible stage in her life right now, spiritually, emotionally, etc. Her maiden name is Sunshine and as a tribute to her, I want to have a sun tattooed on my left side of my chest, right beneath my collar bone. (I am a chick...this may be an important factor.) I've had a hard time finding a sun that fits my personality, and who would be better to ask than all the great artists of GC? Here are my top 2 contenders at the moment...so you can kind of catch my style. Thanks, all! & http://kil1k.deviantart.com/art/Abstract-Sun-II-13547255 (click image for larger view) BTW - I was just editing the tags of this thread and I love how "sun chips" is one of the default options. Edit* This is my first thread, feels good!