sun systems 10 crop master 1000W switchabel ballast

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by brassy77, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Can anyone help me? I have a Sun Systems 10 Crop Master 1000W ballast. Do I have to use a 1000W bulb or can I use a 600W. The guy I bought it from said there wouldn't be a problem but I can't find any definite answers.

    Thanks for any help.
  2. I'm sure you shouldn't be using a higher watt ballast for a lower watt bulb It will blow It :eek:
  3. High pressure sodium ? - In a micro grow : o how big ?
  4. Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured. I bought it from a hydro shop and he told me that it could use anything up to a 1000W. Glad I asked first.
    There are so many hydro shops opening up all over the place. I found that a lot of them have no idea what they are talking about.
  5. I have a 48"X48"X84". Do you think that is too much light or the wrong type. Any help is much appreciated. This is my first grow. I have four plants under 2 two foot flourecents. They are doing well but definately getting big enough that they need more light.

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