Anyone going to this? It will be my first camping festival.. So any advice on what to bring, what the experience will be like and so on is appreciated. Also are there any other good festivals in/near/around Illinois this Summer?
I want to go, but can't really afford it this year. Look up underground sound, that is going to be in southern illinois in july, it is huge.
Definitely bring lots of water, hot dogs and a grill. Also I would recommend sneaking in some liquor. But seriously, my checklist so far: * Tents •\tCanopy •\tCoolers •\tGrill •\tLanterns •\tChairs •\tBug Spray •\tRope •\tDuct Tape •\tTarp •\tSheet for sitting •\tBattery Powered Boom Box •\tTrash Bags Definitely bring tons of tylenol/ibuprofen and water along with some vitamins, as the kind of abuse your brain is about to endure will probably make for painful mornings.
I'll be there too! My first festival as well and I'm going alone (can't convince anyone else in Chicago to go and most of my friends who go to festivals are on the east coast or in colorado...), but it should be a ton of fun!
Freeze water bottles they have a tendency to stay colder longer than just straight ice. If you can get dry ice that works even better as well just make sure you have the proper gear to handle that shit with. I would invest in a tent fan or two as well.
i wish i was. your gonna have a great time. awesome lineup! just bring essential stuff, food/water/shirts..etc but more importantly bring an open mind, smiles and good vibes! you'll meet tons of friendly people! who are you most excited to see?