I'm looking for suggestions to help personalize my room, in other words make my room more psychedelic. Examples would be glow in the dark stickers, lava lamp, bead doors, posters, etc. Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
There's tons of pictures online for inspiration I'm sure... You couldn't have my ideas even if I took the time to think of some.
Usually, sprucing up my room means removing unwanted crap and making it more simple. I stead of posters, have a nice hanging framed picture/painting etc.
Tapestries and UV posters/backlights. I mean. If you wanted a trippy room. "The world is in your hands, Mine are in the dirt."
I was looking at tapestries this week. Wanted something 'grateful dead' ish. Then saw some flower of life ones and other cool ones. Seems many complain about the dye coming off on their walls and stuff. Know any good places other than amazon? I get free shipping but I'm always willing to pay more for quality.
I have no idea, man, never personally bought one, as I feel it would collect dust like a mofo in my situation. Lol. "The world is in your hands, Mine are in the dirt."
Other people can't personalize a room for you, especially faceless strangers on the net. Only you can personalize something or it wouldn't be personal