Suggestions for a new car

Discussion in 'Planes, Trains & Automobiles' started by Zònk, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. #1 Zònk, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2016
  2. Have you ever thought about maybe a Subaru WRX or STI? or maybe a Volkswagen Golf GTI/ Jetta GLI? Theres alot better cars out there then Infiniti's man...hate to tell you.
  3. #3 Zònk, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2016
    I was actually think
    would be a plus and I defiantly don't want something like a Prius but I can worry about speed later.
  4. I bought an '07 Dodge charger for around 15k. Traded in an old Chevy blazer so the price was dropped a bit but its a very nice car. The v6 is good on gas but still has enough balls to get up and go when you want it to. Reliable so far and I've had it for 2 1/2 years or so. The only problem I had was something in the ignition switch or something I don't exactly remember but there was a recall for my year model but besides that its ran like a charm. You might be interested man.
  5. If you really don't want maintenance problems just go with a Honda. I've had a Saab, VW, and an Audi and shit is just bound to happen. If you don't have the tools or mechanical knowledge and helping hand you'll be stuck with a fat bill. However I wouldn't trade the years I had with any of those cars for anything.
  6. I'd get an Acura tsx or a 325xi with that money ...
  7. My 2010 Focus was $18k (taxes, 120k warranty, etc.) when I bought it, but I think the new ones right now are close to your price range, my girlfriends sisters boyfriend has one, took a roadtrip in it and it was pretty damn nice.

    Excellent sound system for a little car like that, and they're faster than people think (not like super fast, but turn off my overdrive and I'm up to 110 pretty damn fast, never wanted to go faster). Plus, it is comfortable and roomy for such a small fuel efficient car.

    Didn't like the sync navigation thing though, I prefer Google Navigation. That is optional though.
  8. #8 Zònk, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2016
  9. [quote name='"JPR"']

    Im probably gonna test drive an Acura Rsx and Tsx. Im a huge fan of Honda's but I already have a 90 Civic as a project car so I was wanting to look into a few other cars.[/quote]

    you could prolly get a nice TL too .
  10. Thats another one I was going to look at. Im thinking about checking out a few BMWs also.
  11. [quote name='"JPR"']Thats another one I was going to look at. Im thinking about checking out a few BMWs also.[/quote]

    325xi man !!!

    that's forsure what I'd get ..

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