Okay, workaholics is over for the year and I am in need of some good programming to watch. I don't have netflix, so I will be buying season one of said show on blu ray. I was thinking Dexter, but I don't know if I'll enjoy it while high. I've seen: Weeds It's Always Sunny That 70's Show Big Bang Theory ^^ all episodes I want something with an epic story, good acting and character development, and uniqueness. Hit me!
Just finished watching 2 seasons and I like it so far - The Walking Dead Never watched but heard good things - Sons of Anarchy Breaking Bad These are all shows that would play on like late night teletoon but are enjoyable to watch - Clone High, Archer, Metalocalypse, The Boondocks, South Park
I would but you probably want something current. Every TV show I've ever gotten into was sent to the guillotine long before its needbe. But if you want something epic, and I do mean an epic, you should check out Kings. There were 13 episodes and all, this remains my favorite near-current series... Very interesting characters.... Debauchery and political intrigue. And a unique spin on today's world in a seemingly biblical split-alternate-dimension...
[quote name='"dannymueller"']I would but you probably want something current. Every TV show I've ever gotten into was sent to the guillotine long before its needbe. But if you want something epic, and I do mean an epic, you should check out Kings. There were 13 episodes and all, this remains my favorite near-current series... Very interesting characters.... Debauchery and political intrigue. And a unique spin on today's world in a seemingly biblical split-alternate-dimension... [/quote] Great show! I forgot what it was called and could never find it haha. Thanks man. Im gonna go watch the season again. But yeah to OP. Breaking Bad is the shit. I will also recommend: -Prison Break -Jericho -24
[quote name='"ckycampmember"']Wilfred. Dexter! Super interesting story. Louie is quite awkwardly funny[/quote] I fucking love Wilfred and Louie.
[quote name='"ToastedStrudel"']Dexter all the way. It's literally exactly what you were asking for.[/quote] I really want to watch it but I feel like it might be too intense while blazed. My mind fucks with me sometimes, lol. But what do you think?
[quote name='"THCdelta11"']trailer park boys shits so funny all 6 seasons are available on Netflix[/quote] *7 seasons