the suez canal.. is a major highway that all oil coming out of the middle-east passes thru... and due to our 50 years of dependency on foreign oil....we are going to be hurting if this canal gets closed due to egyptian riots,,,, oil will stop flowing,,,the price at the pump will skyrocket...gas lines will form that will be weak compared to the gas lines of the 70's. we can blame our own politicians for banning our own oil exploration.....shit this admin right now has a ban on all offshore drilling,,,,,how can we look at our leaders with respect when they do all in thier power to cripple the oil which moves our economy,? IF THE U.S. DOES NOTHING,,,, WE MUST PROTECT THIS CANAL...... since we dont have our '' own oil'' .. ....... ..........Suez Canal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia are you prepared to see a guy get shot,, over 5 gallons of gas,,,, simply because our elected officials choose to cap our oil wells,,, and do no drilling, for new oil... or havent built a new refinery in 30 years.... wake up and realize that government '' IS THE PROBLEM''.... i see no-one but me mentioning this canal..... you just dont realize how important and dependant the u.s. has become on this canal.
other sources of energy ? like what > electric cars,,,,well coal produces this electricity...and i dont care for a car that only gets 40 miles per '' charge'' wind power,,,,,thats a joke in itself..... solar is good,, but what we gonna do at night,, when the suns gone down? ...oil is the liquid that moves nations,,, there is so much made by petroleum. the simplist thing down to the plastic wrap your meat is wrapped in,, is a by-product from oil...and produce prices go thru the roof,, if fuel goes higher,,, asphalt is a by product of oil.....our civilization is built on oil..... if we are going to look for a alternate source of power,,,, then perhaps we can also look for a alternate way of living.... LIKE IN THE STONE AGES,, RIDING A HORSE AND BUGGY.... ...... ........
If we had started researching alternate fuels 50 years ago, then we could be off of foreign oil today. Or even if we had done it 30 years ago when oil we had the Carter oil crisis. We keep living crisis to crisis like there has never been a crisis, then when there is a crisis we act like we are shocked. Who could have ever known this would happen? We need to go to war! $5/gallon gas? $10/gallon? Bring it on. I'm ready. 50mpg or 125, I got both flavors. Fuck an SUV.
No need for the Stone Age Chicken... Just rape the shit out of Alaska !!! Its full to the brim with goodies such as natural gas and oil... Think of the savings ? No huge military budget... No US flag draped coffins... Peace...
the topic of alaska as far as its resources goes,,,,,,really makes me mad,,,, they have sections put aside just for oil exploration,,,,yet they dont drill.... fuckin washington millionares....cant realize whats good for the american economy,,, if it bit them on the chin... yet we cry our eyes out.. when one of them gets shot in the head..... the only thing i like about alaska is SARAH PALIN....
Yeah the Alaska thing is getting kinda crazy. I heard this report on NPR the other day. So they have ANWR which is a wildlife refuge thats set aside for the enviroment. Ok. They also have a petroleum reserve area set aside specifically for the developement of oil and gas. Now the enviro wackos are saying we can't drill in the drilling reserve because of the delicate wildlife in the area. I can sort of understand the ANWR thing. Sort of. But now not drilling in the oil and gas reserve area. Give me break.
Also only about 2 million barrels of oil a day go through suez, with the vast majority going to europe. The canal is too small to accept the big super tankers that supply the US. So it may make our prices higher but would not stop our oil supply.
We have no right to protect a canal that does not belong to us. Economic imperialism always leads to military imperialism especially when it comes to shortages of natural resources.
i cant say i disagree with you,,,, i believe america needs to experience a massive oil crisis,,, then maybe the gov. will get off of the backs of those who have the resources to drill our own oil... something needs to take place in washinton.... or it will continue to erode just as it has for the last 50 years... and no-one pays the price exept for the citizen... our country is so bankrupt,, i dont see where we have a penny to give to a country for foreign aid,, but does the people have a say in those matters,,, it's time for this current system we have to collapse,,, AND I COULDNT PICK A BETTER PERSON TO LEAD THE BOAT ON IT'S WAY TO THE BOTTOM THAN BARRACK OBAMA....
Plus, we probably will not rely on the middle east for oil soon. Brazil may have more oil than any other country sitting right under the ground.
There is NOT a shortage of natural resources. That is a total lie propogated by two sets of people the ignorant and those who try to use it to gain power and control. Its c ompletly bogus. We have more than enough resources if we would just utilize what we actually have. There IS a shortage of courage, intelligence, and integrity in most of our elected officials and enviromentalist wackos.
this is true,,, the mnajority of our elected officials are lwayers,,,, put a scientist or a geoligist on the board,, and let him tell them lawyers how little they know of what sits underground,,,