Sudden leaf death

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by fastus edus, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. is occuring on one plant as it nears cropping(7th week, top colas 30-35mm dia) mostly on the top of the plant. I'm used to seeing leaves yellow and die at this stage, but these leaves are suddenly turning crusty brown on the ends and working inward. I actually 1st noticed this over a month ago in one area of one plant, sudden leaf death on one branch. I stripped all the dead stuff off and it seemed to stop, but now it appears to be attacking the upper part of both plants. Today I cropped all the buds showing this(the buds look fine, but I had noticed they didn't seem to be gaining much) on the leaves, leaving a pretty healthy looking but much shorter plant. Any thoughts??? I might send pics later, but the description pretty much paints the pic, no yellowing, no slow browning, but leaves browning and brittle in very short time...
  2. Dude how the F you expect anybody to even answer you with out pics? (if I had a dime everytime I said that on these forums)


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  3. So crappy pics make all the difference in your opinion? I've trimmed off and cropped the ugliness so pics won't be so obvious at this point, but I'll get some posted when I get a chance.
  4. Yeah - without something to look at - and all the details of your system, nutes, water, feeding... Without all this - it's a stab in the dark.
  5. Here's a couple pics, this is the main plant that is suffering, a GrandaddyPurp...I cropped the large top colas that had the worst of the leaf issues after trying to keep up with the leaf browning, this cola is showing some of that, but not near as bad. 5 other pots getting the same nutes, same soil same lighting are showing little or no sign of this.

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  6. At this stage in the maturity of the plant, you should be experiencing massive leaf die off as the plant pulls the sugars stored in the leaves and uses them as energy to finish up the buds. If you believe this is an actual issue or deficiency, find yourself a website with some comparison charts on here for different issues. But at that stage in their development, they really begin to start looking ugly...and don't get better. If you let them go long enough, you'll end up with bud on a stick. TWW
  7. Yeah, I'm used to seeing that, but this seemed much different. No gradual yellowing and dieing off, the leaves were turning brittle and brown very quickly, mostly adjacent to the top buds, and as I said in opening post it made me suspicious of some sort of disease when a whole section of plant had this sudden leaf die off over a month ago, about 10" of stem length had all it's leaves suddenly brown. I stripped that all off, and it seemed to recover only to have what looked very similar start up again in a few other spots and on the top of the plant...was hoping someone had seen something similar and might have some suggestions...I noticed lately it doesn't seem to use as much water so could be a root issue...
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  8. My guess is something in the root zone - but we know nothing about your setup of feeding so there's no way of giving you advice.
  9. 10 gal pot of commercial potting soil(usually Happy Frog, but this time I used some Black Gold I had) and light dose of BotaniCare Base/Bloom nutes every other watering...working fine on the other pots. If it were earlier,I'd think about repotting, but I only have about 10 days to go, so I'll just let it go, but would like to figure it out for next time. Maybe I'll see something when I look at the roots after cropping...
  10. Ok, the next gen is showing random sudden leaf death, I'm taking off browning leaves in the midst of early flowering and even my smaller veging plants are showing this. Starts as a small browning and eats up the whole leaf within a couple days...
  11. Here's some pics I took...

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  12. Damn, my flowering plants are almost 1/2 way, and they're starting to look like stick figures, tho the buds look healthy, the water leaves are going away with that sudden browning...would systemic powdery mildew do this? There is no sign of the white stuff on leaves, I had issues last winter/spring which I thought I'd eradicated...
  13. anybody out there???
  14. anybody see this, or do I have to repost to get any replies?
  15. Well, my next gen is getting cropped, but this issue is still there. I wish I could narrow it down and take care of it. The plants with the worst of this seemed to have pretty weak root systems...sudden brittle browning of the leaves with only bud remaining. Some pics...

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