Greetings gents. So I'm having an issue that just started about a day or two ago now, seems to have gotten worse over night. Posting pics. But it started with the leaf edges curling up a bit, now I'm seeing some rust looking brown spots. And the newest growth tips on the top look a bit yellow. I'm not sure what's going on. Any help would be appreciated!
I have two Mars Hydro TS600 lights. They only draw 100watts each. 200 total watts and they are like 30" away. 3 gallon fabric pots FFOF soil No nutes added yet 18 days in veg PH around 6.5-6.9
I agree, but overall looks healthy. Your humidity is low though, Idk what day it is, but seems early stage. Need more info.
Yeah I'd like to get it a bit higher, but just have to ride it out like this for now, I have a few successful grows under my belt with these numbers though. I need to invest in a humidifier. I'm in FL. Humidity goes to around 50% when lights go out, and around 40% when lights on. House stays at between 70-75F.
Yup, I can see on your past posts. Itll be better overall for your cultivation journey. Im in cali, so its pretty dry out here too. Good luck!