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Sucking on Diesel with a side of Choc Mint OG

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by gingerb, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. #1 gingerb, Mar 14, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
    Hey Guys & Gals,
    I've not been on GC forums in a while and thought I share my current grow with you details are below,
    am already just going into my 4th week of flowering. Been roughly vegging for about a month and a half,
    mainline growing was abit tricky to start with but I totally get it now. My nyc diesel has a little snap off situation so I only have x7 tops on that plant. My sour diesel has x8 tops and the mint choc og has x4 tops more down to the size of the pot its in.

    This time it's all about the diesel, I've got x1 Soma nyc diesel and also x1 Loud seeds AJ's sour diesel.
    As sort of side grow I've got a choc mint og from Humboldt.

    A using an advanced xte 200 LED. Diesel will be both in 25litre fabric pots. I'm doing a mainline grow with all of these plants.
    All grown in plantmagic soil. mixed with EWC and perlite.
    Using plantmagic grow and bloom.

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  2. 15 Days in:
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  3. 21 Days in:
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  4. Just over a month:
    suckdiesel_chocmint.jpg suckdiesel_nyc.jpg suckdiesel_sour.jpg
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  5. Early feb:
  6. 4th March in flower:
    nyc.JPG chocmint.JPG sourdiesel.JPG
  7. March 13th - End of 3rd week of flower
    The stretch continues on the Sour Diesel this week, fingerscrossed it stops stretching this coming week.
    Mint Choc OG has impressed me this week, since I raised it up to the screen it really developed flowering the x4 tops it has.
    Also the MCOG is the first plant in the tent to get a nice bit of frosting.

    NYC Diesel has had very minor stretch compared to the SD, but am hoping it speeds up slightly. NYC does't seem to like to much water, it can easy go 6 to 7 days without watering.
    NYCdiesel.JPG ChocmintOG.JPG SourD.JPG
  8. How'd they come out?
  9. Both came out nice, I prefered the sour diesel as more of a daytime smoke. The NYC was more resin covered and stronger.
    That was my first scrog I've learnt alot since then, could get like 5 to 6oz off each plant i scrog now.
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