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Suck-ass Fortune cookies

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Big Poppa Puff, Oct 7, 2002.

  1. I get so pissed off about fortune cookies. No matter where I go to eat, I am the one who always gets stuck with the crappy message inside.

    Here's the one I got today: "You are very responsible."

    WTF is that supposed to mean??
  2. Hell yeah, i know what you mean. The other day i went to Panda Express stoned as fuck and i got one that said "You have something tragic ahead of you", which got me paranoid as hell being the stoner that i am.
  3. to uncover the real meaning, you must add 'in bed' to the end of your fortune.

  4. LMAO!

    I had one about a month ago that read..........
    in the end you will know. WTF

    Then I had one that read..........
    your loved by many.
  5. You know what I think BPP, I think YOU'RE a suck-ass fortune cookie ;)

  6. You have to add "in bed" to the end of your statement.

    "You know what I think BPP, I think YOU'RE a suck-ass fortune cookie in bed."

    Or let me rephrase. No, I am really fortunate to suck the ass of a a sweet chinese cookie.
  7. Fortune cookie from todays meal read " "!

    That's right nothing, I got freaking ripped off today and there wasn't a goddamn message inside today.

  8. I don't really consider suking someones rectum fortunate ;)
  9. if it were your rectum I'd be on it like a shot... yet I don't feel my judgement should be trusted at the moment.... I think I'm a bit more stoned...

  10. kinky!

  11. Well thanks, I think ;)
  12. Well at least no one has gotten the "You will be hit by a mac truck upon leaving the restaurant" fortune.
    Those motha fuckers don't lie!
  13. catdog.

    Attached Files:

  14. ......IN BED!!
  15. lol hahaha, i liked that pic sensimil!
  16. HAHA!!!! IT REALLY WASN'T CHICKEN!! funny stuff...

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