Okay I posted before worried about ants, no problem at all like a week ago which was the first time I planted the germinated seeds, now they all sprouted and moving on two there true leaves, some plants are like a day or two under a week. So is this good? BTW I wanna know, one plant has like purple-ish dots on the leaves towards the center of the sprout does that mean it's purple haze cause IDK what type of seeds they were when I got them, I got 45 free seeds from my friend he said he'll give me all types of breeds. So if anyone can tell me which type of marijuana it is I'd greatly appreciate it Happy growing. For all those who wanna know what I did to be successful in my opinion. I germinated the seeds until I saw them crack I let them germinate for a extra day. That morning I took them outside (I took all the weeds out before). Okay so I made 3 holes about from the last joint to the tip of my index finger and just put them in, and watered them everyday. Plant them in a sunny spot btw, I also laid seed starter on them before I watered the first time and that's it. Man I typed a lot