Subtracted the males. <HR style="COLOR: #ecfcb2" SIZE=1>Fly I went and pulled the males.Now that I have pulled the males that my females from having seeds? Or what is the value of doing that? Does the male produce or make the females produce differently with the male remaining in tact and not distrubed? I have transplanted them one in each area. The are about 4 foot apart and they have 22 inches of compost deep, then they have a neve ending bottom after that. Goes this imprcve the yeild by making sure the roots don't get tangled stunting their growth? Now when I trans planted I used my fertilizer for the first time. I used an organic fert made out of animal feeces. Horse, cow, and rabbit. It has been sitting for anout 10 to 14 days. I diluted a pint to a gallon of water. See what that does for them.Fly I went and pulled the males.Now that I have pulled the males that my females from having seeds? Or what is the value of doing that? Does the male produce or make the females produce differently with the male remaining in tact and not distrubed? I have transplanted them one in each area. The are about 4 foot apart and they have 22 inches of compost deep, then they have a neve ending bottom after that. Goes this imprcve the yeild by making sure the roots don't get tangled stunting their growth? Now when I trans planted I used my fertilizer for the first time. I used an organic fert made out of animal feeces. Horse, cow, and rabbit. It has been sitting for anout 10 to 14 days. I diluted a pint to a gallon of water. See what that does
Good, that prevents the males pollinating the females and producing a crop full of seeds. Your fert bothers me a bit. All animal manure should be well rotted before use, or you can get burnt roots. If that is the case, fine.
I DOUBLE CHECKED ABOUT THE FERT HE SAID ITS BEEN MADE FOR OVER A MONTH> HE TOLD ME HOE I AM TO USE IT> DOES THIS SOUND BETTER??? Yeah It has been setting in the sunn for the last month or so. I also got some strained alfafa pellets in there and some bone meal I believe is what he told me was in there. I am diluting it It is a tan color after you mix it and all I use is a 1/4 cup of fert to a gallon of water. I think i said a pint before that was incorrect. This formula has been used by others so I am sure it is safe not to burn my roots. I only use this once a month. Do you think it should be more often? I sat up last night and got my females transplanted didn't have to desturb the root balls to much because I pulled the males and then devided the soil etween my 3 females and moved them to there own home. I hope they servive the move. I think they will since I was able to take all their rootball with them. I have 3 more plants that are just starting to grow. Been through the ground for about ten days and the look to be a different strain than the first ladies that I planted. This strain is to be harvested in mid-late September. It went into the ground the last week of May. The leaves have a red violet tint to them. Haven't had that strain before. I am excited. Thanks for all your help. Now are you saying that the female don't need the male to beginn producing buds?
OK, if you are happy with your fert, fine. And yes, the males just make seeds, the ladies give better bud without them.