Okay, so i have a plant growing... kind of like a secret op, but whatever. What can I use for nutrients without actually going and buying nutes... Like I heard of people mixing coffee into their soil, and it acts as a sort of nute. Right now I have the little green Miracle Grow sticks... Dont know if they give much of a effect.. Any advice? If anything I guess I could just use some Tomato Fert.. if I can find some. Thanks
what kind of coffee is the best to use and when do u mix it in with the soil?????? and how much soil per coffee whats the ratio
if you can't afford nutes and it's so secret that you can't get any ntes (living with your parent's?), then i suspect you aren't going to be able to take the plant to harvest safely. i'm not trying to be a dick, but what are you doing for odor control? have you bought a good carbon scrubber? what about pH maitenance? light timers? what are you doing for good lighting? the reason i ask is because nutes are probably the cheapest part of a grow, and when someone says they don't have so much as the means to afford nutes, that tells me there is more to the problem, which suggests you probably aren't growing safely, properly and responsibly. just a thought is all.
well the reason i cant afford nute is because i make 7.50 an hour and im only getting about 25 hours a week somehow tho i managed to save up enough to buy a 400watt hps timer and ballast included i dont have anything for odor control yet but it sounds like ur they guy to talk to on that so maybe u can help me i have an intake fan as of now but not an exaust yet i am waiting on a humidity and temp meter which should arrive sometime this week i hope i have kind of horrible soil but i just purchased a big bag of perlite in hopes to make up for the lackings of the soil.... I also have a pH meter for my water im not sure how but im going to try to save up for a pH soil meter...i dont think there is anyway ever i could afford any type of light meter
i must apologize because it sounds like you've done more background research than i originally thought. props man. as for odor control goes...how much you need obviously it depends on where you live, how close your neighbors are and how many people come through your place. if you live out in the boonies, are single and no one ever visits you, then you probably don't need anything for odor control. but like most of us, we have neighbors who with a single whiff of cannabis could call the cops on us, in which case a $150-200 carbon scrubbe (like this) is worth every penny (because it's cheaper than lawyer fees and jail time!). and for pH meters: no need for a soil pH meter...most soil pH meters that don't cost a fortune are worthless. the best way to measure the pH of soil is to run neutral pH water through the soil and measure the pH of the water that drains out the bottom with a simple water pH meter or pH indicator dye solutions. the pH of that runoff water is a good indication of what your soil pH is.
Piss works for N I believe Epsom salt works for p k I'm not to sure.. If u don't wanna piss in it.. u'd normaly mix it with water neways save ur junk.. Uneat'n food veggies n such n make a compost
its fine you are probably right tho i do not need to skimp out on the small cheap things ill get nutes...any pointers.. i dont know if i can afford a carbon scrubber...any tips on home made ones and if they are any good