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Substituets for bong water

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Rogersman, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. ive found that coke is a good substituet for bong water it cools the smoke alot!:bongin: any others you guys have found
  2. Coke sounds ineresting. How's the taste on the hits?

    I personally like using apple juice or grape juice every once in a while
  3. its cokey but overpowerin wit weed apple juice sounds good i fukin love apples :devious: is apple juice apply?
  4. I hope you enjoy a sticky, moldy bong, unless you clean it every session.
  5. i use homemade bongs cuz i dont have a job:mad: so i have to so i just trash em and make another
    i wish i had a nice bong:(
  6. I find that if you can clean ur bong after, you can use Arizona teas. I prefer raspberry, or the mucho mango. Plus, after you fill your bong, you can drink the tea u didnt use and its good tea and im really high
  7. I find that if you can clean ur bong after, you can use Arizona teas. I prefer raspberry, or the mucho mango. Plus, after you fill your bong, you can drink the tea u didnt use and its good tea and im really high

    that sounds good lol o weed tea for bong water huh cokes not the greatest after u smoke but yea lol i just popped 16 dramamine waitin for it to kick in
  8. oops thats supposed to be aquote (top 2)
  9. i have that best bud pic
  10. i don't know which sounds more worrying, the amount or the chemical name lol
  11. there over the counter and i dont think they going to work there only 25mg pills usually get 50 but if this dont work i got some robo waitin and a bowl
  12. water only.

    If anyone hands me a bong with anything else. I will pass on the bong.
  13. Ive tried sprite, beer, wine, coke, orange juice and apple juice but nothing compares to hot steamy water..just make sure its not too hot and you dont pour it in too fast as to break your piece.

    hot herbal tea is also nice, especially when your sick.
  14. you'll get a minor buzz lol get some water ready the cottonmouth on that shit is 45678 times worse than bud
  15. they didnt work well i didnt feel any thing so i just took 20 robo pills and im startin to feel it
  16. thats fucking gross.
  17. I have never used a bong but i have used a bubbler. Last night when i went for an L ride with my boy i thought to myself what if you put oil into a bong. I know it would be a pain in the ass to clean out but think about it. It would make the smoke pass through the oil through bubbles that would move slowly cause of how thick oil is making it look sick. Also i would think that the oil would trap more of the plant resin letting you take bigger hits than regular water. Idk, correct me if im wrong. I was stoned and it just seem like a great idea to me at the time :smoking:

  18. i hope you used olive or vegetable oil and not car oil!

    ..and im not sure, but i think most of the thc gets trapped in the oil.???
  19. Please just put regular water in a bong. That's what they make water for. And anything else will just get sticky and hard to clean.
  20. Hahaha of course i wouldn't use car oil lmfaoo. But yea thats what i was wondering if the THC would get trapped in it or not.

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