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Subliminal Messages

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by ~Stoned~, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. What doy ou think about them? Real? Not real?Work? Dont work? Do you honestly believe that the word sex hidden in an image next to a woman would make her more attractive? I dunno but i guess they were banned from TV or some shit... lol this seems like the perfect pot head type thing since most stoners over analyze. So ya whats your opinions?:confused::confused::confused::confused:

  2. They probably work but not like everyone thinks they do. Kinda like hypnotism, you can lull someone into a sleep and still have them be responsive but you cant control them.
  3. for sure there are hidden messages everywhere the fact is that humans arethe only species to use symbols to represent something else almost every symbol has a sub concious meaning and is tailored to trigger something in one sence or another examples of this can be seen in packaging of products, corporate logos etc be mindful of the intent of these hidden symbols and they way they might affect you
  4. I believe in Sub-messages but not in the traditional sense.

    Advertisers try to appeal to peoples' needs (things like love, happiness, confidence, friendship, and sex of course; refer to Maslow's hierarchy of needs if you want to know more about this) and associate those needs with a product. Therefor whenever you see a commercial that advertises a product, lets say acne cream since there's one on right now, you'll almost always see the product in a somewhat utopian context, as in the skin cream commercial people looked more beautiful, had more confidence, more attention from the opposite sex, etc..

    Now here's where the "subliminal" part comes into play. The brain is wired to look for patterns, so while on the surface you might not be consciensly thining "if I used that skin cream the quality of my life would improve and I'd be a happy person" your brain makes the connection between possitive emotions and the product being advertised, especially after repeated veiwings of the advertisement. The goal of the advertisers is that when you walk into the store and are staring down the wall of skin cream products, that your brain will feel an emotional attachement to their product as well as a sense of familiarity.

    One of the funnest things to do when you're high or even sober is to watch commercials and see exactly how they're trying to sell their product. I guarentee almost 100% of the time they try to apeal to your emotions rather that your logic since companies pray on impulse-buying decisions rather than well thought-out ones. You also see this in anti-marijuana propoganda as they try to deamonize weed by making an emotional appeal that weed is bad (like the one where people take turns saying things like "I left my ex 27 messages, I let my friends find their own way home, etc.." I'm sorry, but that's not weeds fault, you are just apperantly really bad friends).

    So that's my little subliminal advertising rant, I didn't mean for it to be this long but you know how it is when you get talking about something you're passionate about. Plus, I want people to be educated as far as things like advertising goes because it really does play heavily on an individuals suggestability, and the more aware you are of the ways people try to influence you, the better you'll be at making decisions that truly benefit you.

    As far as hiding the word sex in a picture or flashing a pepsi symbol for a slit second, there may be some merit to these as the brain does look for patterns so it'd just be another way for an advertiser to get you to assosiate their product with something like sex. But I doubt these techniques are something that are used very frequently or with tremendious amounts of success.

    If you want to know more about the power of suggestion, or the way people can be influenced, look up Derren Brown on YouTube. He's a British mentalist/magician/hypotist who does a lot with things liek NLP and suggestion. Or if you're looking for amazing videos to watch while you're ripped out of your skull, these are definitely worth a look!

    Anyway, that's my veiw on it.
  5. #5 Occultivator, Mar 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2009


    etc. etc. Hate this bullshit.
  6. I have no idea, but I do know that only real seasoned tokers believe in subliminal messages. Wtf?
  7. I used to use this one program that would flash images for intervals of split seconds. You can use it for folders with pictures in them or anything, and so I used 1 gig in pictures of naked girls and used it before bed for dreaming. It definitely works. :smoke:
  8. subliminal messages are meant to be stored in your subconscious and its supposed to remind you of the product the subliminal message was found in. That way you are bound to remember the product and come back to it or crave for it.

  9. Thanks Isaac Newton
  10. Fixed, should thank me for this too.
  11. There are supossedly computer programs that will subliminally flash messages to help you quit smoking and shit....I wonder if you coud fuck somones mind up by putting it on thier computer saying crazy shit?
  12. Like... "KILL YOUR WIFE!"

  13. exactly.....or like tomatoes are aliens that are here to kill you........fuck imagine how scary that shit would be if you thought it was real. remember that show killer tomatoes?

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