Styrofoam cups for net pots?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by 141820, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1 141820, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    I was just wondering if styrofoam cups would beable to hold up in a 5 gal DWC grow? I know i could just order netpots offline or what not but i have styrofoam cups laying around and figured i could save a couple bucks by just using them. i would get new cups each grow or untill i get net pots so i was just wondering if anybody has tried this or if they would break down before the end of the cycle? Thanx for any info!
  2. No input yet huh?!?
  3. Nothin huh!? well that sux!
  4. I'm not sure. Styrofoam is not my first choice for dinner ware let alone growing containers, but it may work.

    I have only grown hydroponically one time, and when I first started, I used a detergent jug as my "bucket" and a keg cup that I cut holes in. I also used kittylitter as the medium instead of hydroton pellets. the only store-bought items were an aquarium pump and nutrients...the grow was successful.
  5. I was thinkinf using the plastic red cups instead and using possibly fishtank rocks cuz then all i will have to buy is the pump and airstone and i can start growing thats why i asked! trying to start as cheap as possible!

  6. you could use it and it might work but i wouldnt advise it...everyone is looking to grow as cheaply as possible with the best results...but the absolute cheapest you can go will run you around $100 but that with soil.....with hydro you cant try to do it super cheap....the netpots and hydroton pellets wil run you $10-15 at the most so i would just get them

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