“The first round’s on me!” So what? What’s your point? Why should I get excited about that? Everyone else has to buy the other rounds so you’re not doing anything generous. Offer to buy the first 2 rounds if you want to be generous. Otherwise, shut up. “Where there’s smoke there’s fire”. Except when the fire is out, and there’s just smoke now. Many times, upon further investigation, there is JUST smoke, and no fire. “God doesn’t give you any more than you can handle.” I’m not even going to explain that one.
"I don't know how." The internet exists. Just tell me you're stupid and lazy, that way I know you know.
"That's using your smarts" Ironically it sounds stupid af. Smarts is one of those dumb words that became common so they changed the dictionary to make it seem normal.
"I could care less" If you could care less then there are still fucks to give. It's "I couldn't care less".
When you explain something to someone like facts about a subject and they just don't listen and say: "Well I don't know". With some people, information goes 1 ear and right out the other and they wonder why there are stupid. Oh jeez maybe start listening to what others have to say for once. And vice versa I'll listen to what you have to say and then I'll engage by hearing you out. If you don't listen, I'm just gonna walk away because clearly you're busy. Learn to use your ears too. We can both use our mouths clearly. But it's a 2 way street.
I routinely see people who are fired up about a political agenda. If they spend any time inside an Echo-Chamber of folks with that same political agenda, they come away spouting nonsense. No amount of facts will change their ideology.
"That offends me" The world is full of offensive stuff. Having a serious conversation or debate is by definition going to offend you so learn how to deal with it.
Athletes that say "I'd just like to thank God for helping me" Uhhh, does that mean he wasn't helping the other guy or team? What if it's a boxing or mma fight. Did God just help you beat the shit outta someone?
“Life advances into its own purpose; the experiences of its own existence. Discretion of choice limits by our own individual and collective perspectives. Inherently, everyone sins- Jesus is remedy”
Anytime anyone considers a person’s skin color and race. I think is probaly one of the most stupidest things someone could say. U don’t know that person or where they came from or going. You cheat yourself out of what could be a beautiful relationship and you cheat yourself out of life no wonder why so many people are miserable
When a cop says ‘for your protection, I’m putting these handcuffs on. You’re not under arrest. Your just being detained”
2 "words" that always peeved me, Ima as in Ima gonna go do... and "thems" as in thems my beers. Now I must be mellowing.