What happens when you take two clones of the same gal, make one a pollen producer with colloidal silver and pollinate the other clone with it..? I know inbreeding can be bad... just wondering if anyone has done this themselves. Just curious. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
if you have a female plant and you take clones from that plant they are both female clones. you can not make one a pollen producer if its a female.
Yes you can. You use colloidal silver. It's how they make feminized seeds. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
In the process. Just 8 days into "flower". Definitely doesn't look female now. Lol. I need to move it somewhere safe so it won't randomly pollinate my crops by accident. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I've done that and just about every breeder since ..lol once the pollen has matured you may pollinate the flower on the same plant or pollinate other as you have done yeah its back crossing don;t do it to often as it undoes the breeders work good luck