stupid causes and the neo-hippie fucktards that support them.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by iPothead, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Yeah, lets put our hope in to expensive energy sources that don't even exists yet. That makes much more sense than getting more of the most effective energy everyone can afford!

    Which energy source would that be?

  2. Have you ever examined the environmental "risk" from offshore drilling?

    First off, just as they use 250 old train cars in New Jersey to foster marine life in an artificial reef, oil rigs serve as artificial reefs for marine life.

    In Louisiana, where there are 3,200 of the gulfs oil rigs, 86% of commercial fishing is done around these rigs. 50 times more marine life surround the rigs than can be found on the gulf bottom.

    Secondly, Environmentalists love to use the image of the Exxon oil spill as what could go wrong. But that is transporting oil, and we would only need to buy more oil from further traveling ships if we had to drill. Also keep in mind: Oil contamination from drilling and transportation only contributes to 2% of oil pollution. The majority comes from run-off, boat maintenance, recreational two-stroke motors, and natural seepage. Natural seepage is 8%!

    This is certainly true, as I noted here, Obama takes his pocket change from the other end of the energy business than Bush.

    I support a voluntary switch to what the market deems necessary. Right now what he is doing is reducing American wealth by first stealing money from us to dump into his friends' green businesses (even though we aren't sure they are profitable or sustainable yet) and then forcing us to pay high fuel prices by relying on external sources.

    IMO, we should at least wait until America has money again. We can do offshore drilling simultaneously.

    There are no alternatives to switch over to yet. This is like banning buggies before the Ford was even invented.

    I don't care about "clean" energy, but I do support a move to renewable energy. However, not by coercion. If we are to allow the private sector to do its work and create an amazing solution like they always do (it never comes from government) we should assist them by reducing the burden of fuel costs.

    And yes, pollution to the point where it destroys a habitat is bad, like runoff into the Long Island Sound, but CO2 is not a pollutant so I don't gripe over burning fossil fuels. If you believe Co2 is a pollutant show me your evidence.

    There is more concrete evidence to support that climate is cyclical and that CO2 is released as a response to warming oceans, not the other way around. There is really not enough evidence to support global warming, but the government and their paid scientists jump on it because it gives them more control over a peacetime population.
  3. If you eat meat that's been injected full of antibiotics and growth hormones in order to keep it from dying under the unsanitary conditions in factory farms and to make it grow unnaturally large those chemicals don't just go away, they stay in the body and mess with your body chemistry. Saying "don't ask don't tell" with regards to the food you eat is wishful thinking.

    And I assure you, the state of your body influences the state of your mind in very important ways. Your brain is a part of your body and as far as we can tell the brain is the seat of the self: your mind is a part of your body.
  4. If I may ask, who said I don't eat high quality food? Next, please show how these hormones lower the quality of the meat. (Not saying they don't, but I am yet to see convincing evidence that they do) (Also, you do realize that the meat is not the only edible part of the animal?)
  5. #25 sikander, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2009
    I apologize, I structured my response badly. You seemed dismissive of the you-are-what-you-eat thing so I was responding to that and I was hoping to expand on the idea a little for the other guy I directed the comment to in the first place. I could have made that clearer. Or just edited the first reply, but hey, that's what happens when I'm on GC before I've had my daily stimulants.

    And the reason people take issue with the whole hormones thing isn't necessarily that it lowers the quality of the meat (I would be surprised if that claim had never been made), it's that the hormones linger and can impact your body chemistry as hormones tend to do.
  6. No offense taken, I just thought that the assumption was odd and I replied to your comment as I wished to provide an additional alternate view.

    As for the hormones, I am genuinely curious, how does it affect your body chemistry? (Its hard to take anything the animal rights movement (The primary opponents to hormones) does or says seriously when they constantly do ruin their credibility with iffy hidden motives, detrimental bans, and outright lies. (Not to mention that their "Better dead then enslaved" attitude is plain stupid.)
  7. Nuclear, wind, solar, geothermal, biofuel (preferably from a crop that won't affect food prices, like hemp, but now I'm dreaming:rolleyes:)
  8. Which one of those runs cars cheaply?
  9. someone please stick this fucker in a cage and feed him steroids until he's fat enough for harvest.

    yeah, compared to the human species chickens may be "stupid" but that in no way justifies blatantly mistreating them for corporate profit. Would you endorse killing and eating the autistic because of their stupidity?

    I myself am a vegetarian (and if I found it at all practical in this society I'd be a vegan), primarily because I'd rather not make someone's pockets fatter at the expense of an animal they breed, abuse and kill without any second thoughts.

    If I could be guaranteed all the meat in the world was free-range I might change my mind. Until then I'm standing up for the "stupid" chickens, cows, pigs (which are actually very intelligent) etc. cuz they don't have a voice of their own.
  10. #30 Gloom, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2009
    You are comparing chickens to the autistic because of "Their stupidity"?
  11. i support the local NO fat chicks allowed club.
  12. Well, kind of all over the board on subjects here...:p

    I'll start with hormones in meat: // Health Issues // Contamination // Hormones

    Health and Consumer Protection - Growth Hormones in Meat Pose Risk to Consumers - Different Levels of Evidence

    As for PETA? I can't stand hypocrites. ;)
    PETA Kills Animals |
  13. #34 LogicalStoner, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2009
    He was implying he didn't give a fuck if chickens were killed cuz they're dumb. I asked if he would think the same of the autistic.

    so yes I am but your post is deliberately misleading as the context of my comparison is missing.

    and no I am not a microbe.

  14. Who needs cars when you baked as fuck? cept to go pick up some hormone pumped extremely delicious fuckin I don't give a shit if this kills me it's so good chicken?

    Sorry chicken sounds bomb and fuck right now:smoke:
  15. (You got the microbe wrong, it was a (dumb) high thought :p)

    Why would you think the autistic are stupid? :confused:
  16. Stupid isn't the right word but you know what I mean. their levels of intelligence are characteristically low (by no fault of their own, of course).

    no need to be politically correct here.

  17. That's not really fair to say, either. The standard IQ tests don't work well for autistic people. My cousin is autistic and he's brilliant, but weird and anti-social.

    And haven't you seen Rain Man? :D
  18. Both of your articles link back to the FDA (One linked back to some other sources too, I will research it more thoroughly later). Now think about this, the FDA both supports these hormones and bashes them simultaneously, with claims that they are safe (I am sure you are already well-versed on all the corporation lies) and claims that they are dangerous (Such as the ones you posted). A bit contradictory, don't you think? Which argument should I believe?

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