Stumble Weed

Discussion in 'General' started by BlazinBlizzard, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. #1 BlazinBlizzard, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    This did make me laugh a little, but mainly just pissed me off. Dont even try to count the bullshit and misinformation.

    Stumble Weed
  2. wow. that shit fails horribly. i'm kind of offended i think.
  3. "Marijuana smokers use the dried leaves of the plant called Cannabis sativa. It's the active chemical ingredient in marijuana"

    ....dried leaves? really? the fuck the ignorance

    this site is horrible..if anyone ever took this seriously id have to slap them
  4. "Many of us want to believe that marijuana is not as bad as crack, meth, LSD, and countless other illicit drugs, but in many cases the people who are on crack and meth started with marijuana."

    Ya I bet most people kissed before they fucked too
  5. It looks like a 9th grade D.A.R.E. project...

    Then I realized that most 14 year olds can't make a website that well... but alas anything seems to be possible in this day and age, judging by the fact that an adult made this. It's like they've ignored what's blatantly obvious and scientifically backed.

    OH WELL, I'm off to go and hit the bong. Cough, cough; hack, hack.
  6. Stumble Weed
    What the fuck is this?
    They don't even show scientific data to prove their point.

    "But I thought Bongs filtered out the harmful chemicals?
    (You're Wrong)
    Hack. Hack. Cough. Cough. Infection"

    Ok then please tell me fucking why instead of just saying "You're wrong". I've smoked everyday for the past 5 months, and the only time I've coughed is after I take a huge rip, FROM MY BONG.

    "Memory And Learning
    What the heck is a hypotenuse? Reptile or mammal?"

    Who the hell doesn't know this. It's not like once you learn something and smoke weed it get's deleted from your brain, especially shit like this.

    Just a Plant
    Yeah the people who died were killed by being high and driving or killed by someone who was high and driving. Your not even supposed to take medication and drive, obviously it's going to have a consequence. Just as drinking and driving, so what are they proving?

    I'm very offended by this bullshit magazine, seeing as how they have no statistical data to prove any information they state. And the data they do have is completely irrelevant. Fucking DEA made this garbage -.-
  7. Who pays the bills for increased social and medical costs if marijuana is legalized? You do. Why would we compound the problems America already has with alcohol and tobacco? And the black market for higher potency marijuana would continue regardless of legalization.

  8. that website makes me wanna go kill someone

    i think ill just light up a bowl instead:rolleyes:
  9. my thoughts exactly...
  10. I scrolled to the bottom of the page and there's a DEA disclaimer... Color me shocked!
  11. Fail.

  12. Yea noticed that, of course they were behind it :mad:
  13. I actually started reading this and it's hilarious just read this line "Teens who have used marijuana are four times more likely to have been pregnant or to have gotten someone pregnant than teens who have never smoked pot."

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