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Stuff you learned after you started smoking?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by iamme1100, May 25, 2009.

  1. Okay, i thought this would be a good thread for seasoned. because as the title say, after you started smoking. ( I'm pretty high so stay with me on this one)

    Name anything you learned, I'm gunna do a list of five, because well...i'm anal about shit. anyway to the list!
    I learned:
    1. To hold a bowl perfectly level, even when bending over
    2. To perfectly convert grams into ozs and vise-versa
    3. To understand trains of thought that sober people say are "crazy"
    4. That i can measure anything (weight and lengh) by "eyeing" better than if i actually weighed and/or measure it.
    5. That you can call a stoner from a mile away
  2. That 90% of people who try to talk knowledge about the herb actually have no idea what they are talking about.
  3. how to roll a joint.
    how to seal a sack.
    how to talk your way out of alot of things.
    how to smoke weed!
  4. i will admit, i'm pretty knew to this whole tokin up buisness. but i just want peoples answers cuz i think they'll be funny. and s'all good
  5. dont worry about him ;)

    keep tokin
  6. Oh no, you took that the wrong way. I wasn't talking about you at all. I was just saying that most of the people out there who try to sound like they know so much about the ganja, usually don't know much of anything.
  7. Interesting question ....

    For me other than the actual how to's are the little things about smoking etiquette you pick up over time that may not come to mind at first like :

    1. Always exhale away from others
    2. Never blow a resin rocket from a clogged bowl across the room and onto the carpet
    3. Offer to pack and share a bowl with your source AFTER you've bought it
    4. Rotate the 1st hit, freshly packed bowl to everyone youre with
    5. Keep your smoking tools clean ... Simple Green or rubbing alcohol work great on glass or metal to clean resin.
    6. Never forget to repay the favor when someone tosses you a bud to try.


  8. I've learned that a fast food restaurant can seem like heaven
  9. oh, okay, like i said im a bit high. thank you for clearning that up for me. im like realived. haha, wow. and i agree
  10. -how to properly pack a bowl for best burning capabilities.
    -how to create a smoking apparatus from random household objects/materials when you have a smoking emergency with nothing to smoke from.
    -how to stealthily toke in public.
    -also learned the common courtesy of smoking with other people. i.e., pass to the left, don't hog greens when you're packing bowls, don't fuckin roast the whole bowl of someone else's weed, etc...
  11. YES Alot of people in REAL LIFE (most of GC is knowledgeable) especially about growing.
  12. I haven't learned anything.
  13. that nothing is EVER as big a deal as it seems.

    because as long as you can look back on something

    its okay
  14. that waterfalls are more fun to use then look at
  15. the metric system
  16. Pot within itself to taught me to never judge anything by its cover/rap. At first pot was: "WTF MAN CHILL WITH THAT DRUG SHIT!!!" Now I'm almost obsessed with how awesome it is.

    It taught me the beauty and harmony of nature and the shear science behind it all.
    It taught me to READ(nah not rlly :p ) about shit before spoutin on about it.
    Above all it taught me peace; peace with myself, and peace with others.

    But yea now I can rip a 4' roor and still clear that bitch:cool:
    I guess, big hits?
  17. 1. It is impossible to lick your elbow.
    2. The kind cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world.
    3. "I am." Is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
    4. Each year 40,000 tons of matter from space is added to the planet earth's mass. This matter comes from space in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, interplanetary dust, and comet debris.
    5. Bacon is the best food in the world.

  18. False. I've seen multiple people do it in person. I think I also saw a thing on Letterman or Leno where they had like 10 people do it at the same time.

    What I've learned: Weed changes people. Some good, some bad.
  19. What I've learned:

    -"slow burning rolling paper" is an oxymoron
    -gravity always wins
    -Dr. Dre is as wise as his name implies
    -and that if you smoke, you'll never accomplish your dreams or live up to your full potential......bwaaahhahahaa jk :smoking:
  20. #20 Nurbzy, May 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2009
    Drugs in general taught me:

    • A lot about the human body
    • A lot about the human mind
    • That people are just people
    • A tiny little thing can make you the happiest you'll ever be
    • Real maybe isn't as real as you might think
    • Some chemistry
    • The metric system
    • Nothing is what it appears to be
    • All kinds of random things which I wouldn't have found interesting if I wasn't high as a kite
    • To take my time and get shit done
    • To chill
    • That the government is full of bull shit (I thought weed killed people and acid made people psycho for life and they'd randomly trip out and kill people haha)
    Drugs are nice.

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