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Stuff to do when not smoking?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by umop 3pisdn, May 25, 2009.

  1. I've decided to quit smoking altogether that includes weed and cigarettes because my lungs feel fucked and my cough is horrible and I've only been smoking for a year or so.

    Only problem is on weekdays it's what I most look forward to after work, so when you guys take a tbreak what do you do to keep yourself occupied?

    Maybe I need a girlfriend..
  2. Get a girl, maybe an Xbox with Live, take up an instrument, go chill with non smoker friends, work overtime, or watch more TV. Just think of random things that you've always wanted to do, but never had the time to. Quitting smoking isn't that bad. I don't smoke anymore.

    Maybe experiment with other drugs, if you're into anything else. I can say that mushrooms are very fun, but if you ever consider taking those up, read a lot about them so you don't go into a trip knowing nothing.

    Good luck with quitting man.
  3. Not to try to force you to keep smoking, but why not get a bing with a pre chiller or a 3-4 chamber bubbler, that will be much easier on your lungs.
  4. Take a week or two then get a vape.

    As for what to do, just do whatever you normally would. You don't need to get high to enjoy life.
  5. As OSG said take a t break then get a vape. Or start eating edibles.
  6. Another very good suggestion.
  7. Girlfriend so goods, for me too.

    Just don't have your stuff sitting around and you'll be fine. Work a shit load, that helped me.

    Vape it up, great suggestion by OSG.
  8. I was going to say edibles but was beaten to it :p
  9. get a carveboard, that is if u like to skate
  10. for starters, i would not suggest xbox or more TV haha just because while doing those things you will just think how much better it would be baked because I know I do! I find the best is actually spending time outside because I can actually really enjoy it both high or not i love driving in the middle of bum fuck no where and taking my dog for a run in the bush
  11. exactly what OSG said get a nice vape. I just ordered Da buddha vape so i am excited for that shit to come in. Also get a hobby like rideing a bike, painting, drawing, smoking out of your new vape that you will get lol :smoking:.
  12. the obvious answer is to just drink alcohol when you get home from work. i know a lot of successful people that do that.
  13. Same thing happened to me after about 40+ years of bein on the bus. Decided to get a vape and never I am never going back...
  14. If its getting that bad on your lungs, look for a tobacco substitute when smoking. I started smoking with Happy High Herbs 'Quit Pot Mix', not because i wanted to quit pot or anything of the sort. I started mixing this with pot instead of tobacco as it is a herb mix containing lots of herbs. It contains some beneficial herbs that have properties that make you relax, feel euphoric and even a herb that acts as a lung cleanser.

    I havent touched tobacco with my weed since and my lungs have never been clearer, although it does take a bit to get used to the taste. This is one of the only mixes that i liked the taste of.

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